For those of you that have one, what type, brand and cost ? Are you happy with it ? I just want something that is really solid, with trips for doors, impacts, and tilts (especially since I feel my last Prius was likely pulled into a flatbed) I know I will still have to carry my key fob, but can an aftermarket alarm be integrated with my factory key fob, so when I lock it, the alarm sets ? It would be kind of lame to have to litterally carry two Fobs everywhere I went...
Compustar T13 Pro + DAS-II + Keylocker Abiut 1500 for everything including installation. Never have to carry the OEM key Fob. You carry the Compustar remote with you and it unlocks the car when you get to it and when you walk away, it locks the car within 30 seconds. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Hmmm. I will at least look at it / the brand. Might be a little out of my price range, as getting the XLE vs. the LE, already put me back about $3K I wasn't expecting to spend... But either way, I do need an alarm.TY
can you so it so it doesn’t even require the compustar remote? I.e., an nfc tag/sticker on your phone?
Nothing like that BUT the Keylocker comes with a keypad where you can punch in the code to unlock the car. At that point you won't have to ever carry the fob. You can upgrade the keypad that come with the keylocker to a black one for slightly more Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Factory alarm is more than sufficient. I have never experienced an aftermarket alarm that was not annoying as all hell to both myself and everyone around. When I hear alarms going off all I want to do is go punch the owner or cut their battery cables, don't give two shits if anyone is actually breaking into their car becuase 99.99% of the time it's just a shitty alarm that is too sensitive and got set off by some jackass on a loud motorcycle. I call it compound retardation.
Two things 1) My factory alarm was apparently "not sufficient" 2) I've had an Avatal 2 way alarm on my F150 for 14 years. Still using the same fob, and VERY rarely has it went off when I didn't know why. Maybe 1 or 2 times a year ? And that's not to say there wasn't a legitimate reason it went off, even if I didn't know what that was. I do have my sensitives turned down pretty low. You would have to hit the glass pretty hard, or open a door to make it go off. (or go 'on' Or, tilt my vehicle more than 1 degree.
My other point remains. No one will care if it goes off, even if it’s legit. The presence of a flatbed makes a theft appear like a legitimate tow. Thieves that can get your car on a flatbed can likely unhook your battery pretty quick. Spend the money finding better insurance or a safer place to park. Even a steering wheel lock is a better alternative IMO. My old F250 could be started with a screwdriver. Horrible design from Ford. Still would rather have had it stolen than deal with a POS alarm that does nothing.
Yes. There is a key in an automated case inside the car. When the car is armed, the box is locked and the car can't read the key so no way for it to start. With the keypad, it unlocks the car and unarms the system so the fob that's inside the car can be read. Then you can drive off as normal. No need to ever take the key out of the box. I loved this setup in my car. Never ever had to take out my key. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.