Hi folks, I went to O'reilly to do a free OBD-II scan and got the P0041, P0455 code errors after I see the solid orange "Check Engine" light. I suspect my car gas cap was not closed correctly after searching possible issue online. I don't have a scanner tool to reset the check engine light. After careful checking the gas cap, the rubber gasket looks okay and I carefully screwed the gas cap back. I want to know the following: Does the 2012 Prius automatically check it again and reset the check engine light when the issue is resolved? If it does, how long does it take for the "Check Engine" light to be turned off. Thanks!
Are you sure the firs code is P0041? On my search more common whould be the P0441 in combination with the P0455... I don't know the answer at your question, but disconnecting the minus terminal from the 12V Battery for few minutes does reset the codes. I would consider it a last resort resolution. First check, if it really is the P0041. Does O'reilly reset the codes free as well? You could buy a relative simple OBDII reader and reset the codes yourself. Mat PS. I see now your topic says P0441 - you should edit your post, not to mislead people like me