I have same car as you and have never seen that button? Aftermarket / dealer / port installed trunk monkey option maybe? He bough his car new though? Then again as I said earlier in my ha ha post it could be a port or dealer installed option? Maybe..
Turns off the car as soon as you step on the gas forcing you to walk instead of drive. Best fuel saving feature ever...
It is the inch / metric button... Seriously, I have never seen that one before. Where on the car is it? Bill the Engineer
This turns on or off the footwell lighting on both sides when the headlights are on. It only comes in effect when the headlights turn on. It doesn’t change the footwell light when driver’s door is open. Hope this helps.
Found the answer on the internet, not sure if it is accurate: "This turns on or off the footwell lighting on both sides when the headlights are on. It only comes in effect when the headlights turn on. It doesn’t change the footwell light when driver’s door is open."