Hi! I have a new blue Toyota 2021 Prius Prime, noticed something odd this evening. While it was charging, I was making some preference adjustments and noticed with the lights on that the drivers door lock switch didnt illuminate but the passenger side does. Why wouldn't the drivers door switch light. Am I missing something? Is this normal for the prime owners? It makes no sense why they would light up the passenger side door lock switch but not the drivers. I realize this is a dumb question/rant but just making sure its normal and if there is any way to light the drivers side door switch, Im all in!
I checked this tonight after reading your post and it’s the same thing on my Prime (base model 2021). So I guess it’s “normal”? No idea, nor can I imagine, why.
I just recently purchased one 2 weeks ago and noticed the same thing! I have an appointment with my dealer on Sunday to look at it. Can anybody that has the driver side button illuminate chime in?
Toyota’s name for the set of door lock and power window switches in the driver’s door is the “multiplex network master switch assembly,” and the Electronic Parts Catalog lists three part numbers, depending on the car’s production date: 84040-47070, through December 2018; 84040-47090, from December 2018 through July 2020; and 84040-48210, from July 2020. None of these is listed as a replacement for the others; I don’t know if they are actually interchangeable. In New Car Features (more info), the Major Difference topic for model year 2021 says, “The multiplex network master switch has been changed.” Illustrations in the Power Window Control System section, excerpted below, show the old and new versions: *13 MULTIPLEX NETWORK MASTER SWITCH ASSEMBLY *a Window Lock Switch *b Power Window Switch (Driver) *c Remote Switch Front (Passenger Side) *d Remote Switch Rear LH *e Remote Switch Rear RH
No; I assume finding those is left as an exercise for the reader. Given the Electronic Parts Catalog in machine-readable form, I suppose it wouldn’t be too difficult to find all the cases in which a service part number differs by model year, but even that wouldn’t capture changes that didn’t affect parts interchange.
Just got back from the dealership that said they compared my 2021 PP with other new ones on the lot and they saw the driver door switch not illuminating either. This is so strange that they decided to have the driver door switch not light up!
This is mildly annoying lol. Like when Toyota removed the chrome accents on the driver’s side power seat controls for 2018.
Boooooo Toyota! I couldn't make this up. My disabled kid outside in the dark in a parking lot trying to get into my car and I can't find the stupid unlock button on my new 2021 prius prime because it doesn't light up. Of course I never locked the car to begin with, but it decided it was necessary. Really? I wander what else is missing and I haven't noticed yet.
Had a similar problem except it was my wife, and it was dark AND raining (slightly). New car so limited "muscle memory" about switches. My solution was to open the door slightly to turn on the interior lights so I could find the switch. Still got some choice words from the wife.
@PiPLosAngeles successfully replaced the LED-lit switch from the 2020 PP to his new 2021 PP. It is a direct replacement without doing any wiring mod. Of course, if you have to buy a new OEM switch 84040-47090 as mentioned by @Elektroingenieur on comment #5 above, it will set you back over $300 street price. Wow, MSRP $542.35 for this switch. That's crazy.
I was just curious so looked up the price for the new 2021 OEM door switch 84040-48210 price. Well, here is the saving Toyota was counting on. The delete of the LED light on the door switch saved Toyota a whopping $303.41. (MSRP $238.94) Who would have guessed how expensive those tiny LED lamps are.
On my 2021 Prius Prime XLE only the passenger side door-lock switches illuminate, the driver side door-lock switches don't light up.
yes. 84040-47090 is from the previous models (2018-2020), but it is also the most expensive. You may find cheaper used, but if you just want LED lit switches 84040-47070 used for (2017-2018) is cheaper. I got one on eBay for $37 last year.