Hello all I've a 2010 Prius T Spirit - with "moonroof" and 195/65 tyres. 65k miles and a full Toyota dealer service history. I've been 'blessed' with exceptional hearing. (Or perhaps it should be 'cursed'!) I'm a piano tuner by trade. My Prius is everything I want from a car and fairly quiet, but I wanted it even quieter. I followed all the advice that was given by: Toyota Prius 4 door Hatchback 2010- | Sound Deadener Showdown It was brilliant information and reduced the tyre noise / road roar to sublime levels. (65dB on a highway.) I've also reduce the rear tyre pressures to 28psi - which has also helped. However... Although the tyre noise is reduced to almost zero, I've uncovered some sort of resonate 'boom'. Probably because the tyre noise has been reduced so much, I'm now (very much) aware of a 'thump' or 'boom' every time I drive over a road bump. Any road bump produces a 'boom' from the back suspension. It's as if someone is thumping the underside of the car with a rubber hammer. It ruins an - otherwise - supremely quiet ride. I took the car to a Toyota dealer who "tested" the suspension. (I suspect they looked the rear suspension and gave everything a good shake - and nothing more.) I wondered if I could 'disconnect' the suspension from the car with some air suspension components, but all seemed to be concerned with lowering the suspension - not producing a quieter ride. Am I resigned to this inherent noise from the suspension? Is there a cure? Doe anyone have any advice? Regards to all - Andrew
idk, but i think some have installed air suspensions in the mods section. might be worth a look. all the best!
Thanks for your thoughts, but it seems that all the air suspension mods are for lowering the car and to change the style. I can't find any threads about making the ride quieter. Unless you can direct me to one.....
All open cabin cars are subject to this. You’re sitting near the middle of a big resonant chamber. Cargo vans and station wagons tend to have the worst of it, hatchbacks and liftbacks less so. Further compartmentalization of the interior is usually successful, though never easy. TL;DR try a sedan on a long wheelbase. Cabin shape alone makes a huge difference, and pushing the wheels out further from the driver always helps.
Respects for your intent Andrew, but you have unrealistic expectations...and for safety's sake, please air your tires back up to at least mfgs recommended.
The sds website you linked has since gone down but most of it is archived on the wayback machine, and the owner of that 2010 posted their log of their build on this forum which apparently turned out really nice