Hard wired a toggle switch in my console to my back up lights. Didnt find a black relay behind the glove box? Theres about 14 plugs behind the glove box. No obvious black relay.
Use 194 1 watt led in backup positions Relay will be irrelevant. Not enough draw on wiring to be worried with . Same for His to Led headlights also.
IF you are looking for the relay that controls the back up lights on a Gen2 Prius, then it's not near the glove box. The service manual indicates that the B/U relay is part of the "integration relay assembly" in the underhood fuse box. Does the shift indicator in the combination meter (speedo assembly) show R when you select reverse? The CM controls the B/U relay. I assume the speedo and dash all works ok? - That would indicate that the 10A Gauges fuse in underdash F/B is ok. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Because the OP tagged onto a thread in CMT with a problem and apparently expects readers to be telepathic. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.