had this leak going on for about a year thought it was the drain tube finally had the time to go in with a shop vac try to unclogg it turns out that wasnt the source of the leak that only solved the problem for a couple days found the source but dont know what it is called any idea? this is on the left bottom side of the passenger basically the bottum right of the center dash
That's part of your air conditioning blower box and all that I'm not mistaken maybe your AC coil is sitting right there when you need to find out what is in that box is holding up the flow of water water should be flowing through some foam and heading towards the drain tube not backing up and coming out the sides of the box The answer is to take the box out split it apart remove all the clips open it up and remove the trash basically leaves twigs little sticks I don't know
You might get lucky and find some pieces that you can pull out of plastic where the wires go through or something I'm sure all that stuff locks together on assembly but you might be able to get a small shop vac hose up against that and suck out whatever it is but generally when this has happened to me and other Toyotas that box gets split coil gets cleaned the box gets cleaned and emptied and then reassembled
Yes I imagine if you click air conditioning repair or heater box repair there is a thread where a guy just did this recently He basically had the whole dash out of his car or a good portion thereof and this was involved I think he was working on his air conditioning indoor heater core... it is a big job. It should all be posted right here just do a search involving the heater core being replaced for failure basically that puts you in the right place and most of all that stuff is coming out in that same repair I know I just saw it here recently
Is there a cabin filter in the car? Was there one when you bought it. Evaporators should stay reasonably clean if there is a filter, but could be horribly dirty otherwise. The wet carpet isn't correlated with rain is it? A windshield or sunroof leak often results in wet carpet. Removing the evaporator is a huge PITA. First let's review what you already did. Sounds like you pulled up the carpet, pulled the drain line out of its hole through the passenger side floor, and attached a vacuum to the distal end of it (proximal attached to evaporator). Did you do anything else? Hypothetically, if it is jammed up with leaves and other muck that might have removed a bit, but most would be left in there to jam it up again. If a bucket is filled with viscous mud, a hole punched in the side, a tube attached, and then a vacuum applied to the tube, some mud comes out, the rest will remain. The mud can shift around and jam the hole again. That may be what is happening here. What did the stuff look like which came out? Was it clean or muddy? Toyota sells a kit to clean the evaporator - two cans of compressed stuff. The first is a wash, the second is some sort of deodorant possibly mixed with a mold inhibitor. But that is designed to handle the "A/C smells moldy" issue, not the "evaporator is jammed with crud" issue. Perhaps you can manage some sort of evaporator lavage? It would go something like this. First put a big pan on the passenger floor over a towel, because this will make a mess. Then rig a method to let you pour a fixed amount of distilled water through some sort of adapter into the drain tube from a jug. Do NOT use tap water, the last thing you want is to coat the evaporator with calcium deposits. Raising and inverting the jug will push water into the evaporator, lowering it will let it run out. Doing this repeatedly may be able to wash out leaf fragments and the like. Not sure how much fluid would be safe, start with a liter (quart) maybe? If it goes in clean, and it comes out clean, then a packed up dirty evaporator most likely isn't your issue. If it comes out dirty, repeat until clean. Do not be tempted to shove a wire up through the tube. If it pokes a hole through the evaporator it will need to be replaced. The resident A/C expert is Lech lech auto air conditionin | PriusChat He also posts on youtube. In one of those he discussed drilling an access hole into the evaporator on the driver's side. But I never found a subsequent video where he actually did so. Anyway, you might contact him directly and see if he ever actually cored out a hole like that. If it indeed works you could then look into the evaporator with a boroscope to see what is wrong, and if it is just a lot of dirt, you might be able to wash from the driver side while draining from the other side.
There are two ways that water can leak from the spot you see. First would be if it rained a whole bunch, and you have clogged drains for the cowl area (where the wipers are). Then water might overflow into the air intake for the A/C. If you have water leaking on the floor and it's not raining (but the A/C is running), then the evaporator drain is still clogged. I see spiders make a "nest" in the drain hose that's water tight. I remove the hose completely and use compressed air and piece of coat hanger wire to make sure it's clear. Then flush it with water. I also blow out and carefully "wire" out the drain nipple on the evaporator housing. Put the hose back on then run the A/C and watch to make sure that condensate water drains under the car as it should. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Shoved a endoscope camera I got on eBay and found a gun wrapper that was clogging the tube took it out Gonna suck out whatever is left In there later