Hi Guys I observed today that my Lane Assist is not working suddenly and without any error on the screen. I have checked it is enabled in the setting but still not working. Anybody can help me know its working and the fix. The only change i did recently is to add some sound deadening sheets in the front doors, may be that caused LKA to stop functioning. If someone can share its detailed working than may be i can understand and resolve the issue. I doubt on the doors sound deadening sheet because it BSM and Parking assistance having no issue and is in working condition. Looking forward some help from the forum members. My Car is 2018 Prius Prime Plug-In Kind Regards Azfar
That feature on our 2017 Plugin only works occasionally. In our case, its working or not seems to be exclusively a matter of the pavement conditions. If there is snow on the road, gravel, dirt anything that seems to obscure the fog line, then the vehicle can not detect the fog line.
Thanks buddy... yes correct... the Lane Assist only works where there are road line and it only keep it monitoring during drive above 35 only.. Although i have got the solution to my problem, and that was my own fault that i turned it off from the steering sometime ago, and now its working fine when it turned ON after seeing some youtube reference videos... Thank you for your quick reply, BUT i am still curious to know "how LDA or Lane Assist works? and what are the indicators checked by it to maintain it?
This was from the 2021 owners manual. You might check what it states in the 2018 owners manual since I think your model uses a different version of TSS.