I might be able to purchase a 2013 gen 3 for a good price due to it having a failing hybrid battery. It has the pa080 code. I went to the junk yard today and found a battery from a car that was in a front end collision. They sold me the complete battery for $187. I figured it would be worth a chance at that price. I have watched lots of YouTube videos about these batteries and was wanting to discuss how far I might go with this before installing. I have taken battery apart, well opened it up and removed busbars. They were fairly corroded, I have them soaking in vinegar now. when I went through the modules with multimeter I was getting a fairly constant 7.55 volts at each one. There were one or two that had 7.54, I believe it was the ones at the ends. I am going to take a guess that this battery was functioning when it’s car was in a wreck. My question is how far should I take this before installing? I was going to buy a charger and balance it and load test each module, but now that I have it apart and the voltages are fairly constant I am wondering if I should just clean the busbars, rotate the modules so that the ones in the center are now at the outsides and then call it a day and install it. What would you do in my situation? If I can get away without spending anymore on a charger it would be good! Thanks Daley
It’s from a 2011 car. I was going to do whatever positives I could to it before installing but I don’t want to go overboard if not necessary.
I would just clean up the busbars and install it as is. Since all of the modules are close in value and reasonably charged, there is a good chance that all will be well. Defer any battery maintenance for when problems come up. You can practice your battery skills on the battery that you are taking out of the 2013 Prius (please be careful). One alert however, the Gen 3 Prii are subject to head gasket problems as they get to about 100k miles. Do some research here on PC. JeffD
I think that I would clean the busbars. Rotate the modules so that the ones in the center are now at the outsides. and install it. Take lots of photos, and post them on-line. Showing exactly what you did.
I wouldn’t recommend rotating them, the 2 end modules will be weaker and they should stay in that position
That’s where I am confused, I have seen a lot of videos suggesting to rotate the modules as the ones in the middle get hotter for longer and die faster so rotating them helps balance out the life of the modules. I’ll sleep on it and make a choice.