If you properly connect power on the six main wires on the M13 connector, it will boot up and work. I have confirmed this on a 86110-47081, I believe it will also work on the newer MFDs (86110-47230). On the 86110-47081, on the M13 connector, put 12v+ on pins 1, 10,11, & 12 and GND on pins 2 & 3 (NOTE: 86110-47081 can be found on base models (no camera, no Bluetooth) 2004-2009.) on a 86110-47230 (or any 2006-2009 hi-res screen), on the M13 connector, put 12v+ on pins 2, 3, 10, & 12 GND on pins 1 & 11 Putting a 5A fuse on the 12v+ power is a good safety measure, insulating the wires and pins is a must! The LCD creates high voltage, do not power up the MFD if its metal case is open! Doing this will probably sterilize kittens, cause your dog to run away, and turn your hair white. If you are not an experienced electronics technician, do not try this at home. (YMMV) 148839_Prius_MFD_PinOut by ITBland posted Aug 14, 2018 at 8:52 PM *NOTE: Early 2004s may have part number 86110-47080, this will have the same M13 connections as 866110-47081. The 2004-05 navigation MFDs (86110-47070 (early 2004) and 86110-47071) also use the "lo-res" M13 pinout. "Hi-res" MFDs would include the following part numbers: 86110-47230, 86110-47220 (w/nav) and use the "hi-res" M13 pinout. I don't know about 86110-47210, if you know please post here, thanks!
The 47210 is the Bluetooth version of the 47230. If you add the Bluetooth board, solder the RF base connector for the onboard antenna of the keypad and connect the RF coax cable from the Bluetooth board to the antenna, the 47230 will become the 47210. Normally, the impedance of the RF cable you need here is 50 ohm. It doesn't mean the resistance of a resistor. It means the RF transmission effective resistance of the device such as the cable, antenna or electronic devices which can't be easily measured by a normal multi-meter.
Thanks @Cateran ! UPDATE: Verified That the 86110-47230 does work AND all you need is the Yellow and Gray power wires, and you can ground the metal case, so: for lo-res models (86110-47080, -47081, -47070, and -47071) connect pins 11 & 12 to 12v+ and ground the case, for hi-res models (86110-47210, -47230, and -47220) connect pins 2 & 3 to 12v+ and ground the case.
Just set up an account to confirm that connecting pins 2 & 3 to 12v+ and ground the case worked for 86110-47220. It booted up fine, buttons worked. The touch screen is not working though. I bought this item off of EBAY with basically no description, it may just be faulty. I wanted to fire it up before trying it on the car. Do you think touch screen would require all the connections, and it may work once it is all plugged in properly in the car? Or is more likely that the digitizer is dead?
I have a 86110-47230 (pulled from salvage 2006 Prius) with similar results. That is, display comes on, and responds to side push buttons (CLIMATE, AUDIO, DISPLAY, INFO), but does *not* respond to touch screen in any manner. Is there an additional procedure to activate the touchscreen? I want to get into the diagnostic screens to test reverse camera feature. Since I can't use the "turn on the headlights three times" process to get to diagnostics, I could access the diagnostic modes using the DISPLAY button and the touch UL, touch LL (repeat 3x) procedure. But, alas, no touchscreen. What was the outcome of ArthurRama's experiment?
If you still have no touchscreen, it can be replaced for about $20 and some time with a new digitizer glass from ebay.
I did this and it is not hard. You'll need the thin double stick tape if it is not supplied with the screen. My new screen didn't even require calibration.
I recently purchased a refurbished MFD to replace my failed unit after 180K miles (part # 86110-47220). When I connected the refurbished unit, it didn't boot up. I checked pins 2,3,10, and 12 on the M13 connector and they all had 12v. The unit's side buttons lit up for about 2 seconds but then went dark. I assume I got a defective unit unless anyone has anything to add. BTW, when I removed the original MFD, the red triangle of death came on. The dealer told me that's because the parking switch wasn't connected. He said if I remove the connector to the parking switch, make sure it's reconnected when I power on the car again, otherwise the red triangle will come back on and I'll need the dealer to clear it again.
Thanks for posting @ITBland! My 2009 MFD just started acting up. Could be battery but decided to pull and bench test MFD first as battery has not show any other symptoms. I have one question though. The pinout you give shows two M13 connectors with different shapes and pinouts but this is confusing since the 2009 (hi res model) has both of those connectors on back of MFD and both are wired to harnesses so they are both used. Why would they both be labeled M13? Is there another label for the smaller connector on the 2009 model and a different pinout from what is shown in your chart? - TIA
Oops! My bad @ITBland. I missed the row midtable showing the connector on right is M14, not M13 as I misread. Thanks again for posting this info. I will report back on my bench testing experience when I get time to wire up a harness.
Looks like a bench hookup is easy. I used a spade receptor to connect the two pins in the upper left corner of the upper left connector to connect the +12V and the frame to the -12V. The current drawn is about 0.5A for a little while. Then the current increases to about 1A when the display is coming on. See picture. My problem was screen flickering, radio turned off, Lexus logo shown, Prius logo shown. Sometimes it turned black and sometimes it died. This happened after about 5-15 minutes after start. Seems like a temperature/connection problem. After taken it apart and inspecting connectors, boards etc. I assembled again and could not get it to flicker again as I could while before. I will install this morning and hopefully it will behave. I will update this post in a couple of days when tested fully.
Replace all power supply electrolytic capacitors in the MFD. This is the main cause of unstable power supply voltage of equipment.