Silver 2004 Available in Naperville, IL

Discussion in 'Order Tracking' started by wetntacky, Aug 21, 2004.

  1. wetntacky

    wetntacky New Member

    May 25, 2004
    Chicago, IL
    Just took my 2K3 Classic into Naperville Toyota this morning for an oil change and spotted their Silver 2004 Demo sitting proudly outside their front door with a price tag painted on the windshield.
    $29,995. Has 15K miles on it and its the basic car, no real options on this car as far as I could tell. Is this car rediculously over-priced or what?
    Warning potential buyers of this car, they let me have this car for an entire afternoon and I really drove the hell out of it. The 107 MPH really impressed me. I'm sure many others did the same thing with it
  2. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    It isn't "Or What"!
  3. InTheWASide

    InTheWASide New Member

    Jun 20, 2004
    Everett, WA
    1 year's mileage on it, the bare bones model and $29,995 and you say it ISN'T overpriced?

    ***We interrupt this regularly scheduled post, for a rant session***

    I beieve MSRP for a brand new base model is like $20,510, so you're paying $9485 for the honor of getting a car that has had 1/13th of its life used up (IF WE ASSUME 200k before anything MAJOR) and nothing of note, NOT EVEN A REAR WIPER...

    That kind of crap absolutely disgusts me.

    Now, that said, YES I KNOW IF YOU DON\'T AGREE WITH THE PRICE, JUST DON\'T TAKE IT, we\'ve been through this argument before and anyone that is going to contribute that, and THAT ONLY, I\'ve said it for you...

    But the issue becomes, especially if you don't have one yet that the dealer assumes that people in that area are big enough f***ing retards that they'll drop the money just upon seeing one on the lot. (Maybe while you're filling out the check, they'll have you drop and give 'em 20, since you'll probably do that, too.)

    It also, to those that perhaps have no availibility of internet access or another dealer (say you live in... Wyoming or something and don't have the internet) you may assume that THAT price is correct for a bare bones model and you then PASS on it because you think that you'd want more options than NONE and you shudder to think how much the loaded one costs...
    So, rather than get the PRIUS at a FAIR, APPROPRIATE AND REASONABLE PRICE, you decide that an SUV is kinda cool, and you'd never NOT have enough room to haul stuff... Let's say that SUV even gets 30mpg (yeah right)
    Toyota has just HELPED someone on this earth get a car that will cost them more money, use more gas (which hurts all of us when you think about it... more gas used in a big vehicle means less available for your Prius in the long run) and will damage the environment more. Hell, they may even get a tax break on it...

    I think some of us, that CARE about these cars getting into the hands of as many people as possible, need to contact Toyota, mention NOT that dealers are overcharging since "they can set any price they want... freedom of choice, etc" but that their HQ's mission of helping the environment (and of selling cars, let's be honest) is being sabotaged by random little jackass bumpkins across this country and I'd assume others as well.

    ***Rant complete***
  4. Bill60546

    Bill60546 Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    2004 Prius

    Just a note to advise that the Naperville dealer is about 20 miles from my home and I bought my silver9 in WY, 1300 miles away. Yes, WY does have internet access and even fax machines too. The dealer, Garvin Motors in Powell, WY was great; on time, on budget (MSRP) and no hassles. They even drove 90 miles to pick me up at the airport when I arrived. FF miles can be used for things other than vacations. My local Toyota dealer, not the Naperville dealer, has a 68 week lead time for Prii.
    Will this specific car sell? Its all about supply and demand. What do you think will happen when oil is $100 a barrel?
  5. woemcats

    woemcats New Member

    Jun 12, 2004
    Northern Illinois
    Sheesh, I paid less than that (a little less, just over $29K) for a brand-new #9 with no waiting and still felt a little like I was being stupid for not waiting the year for MSRP. I can't imagine anyone paying the sam for no options. For me, the extras are what make the car!
  6. InTheWASide

    InTheWASide New Member

    Jun 20, 2004
    Everett, WA
    Re: WY

    Yeah, when I posted and read that back I had a feeling it would be misunderstood... Just meant to pick a state that's not likely to have other dealers nearby (Southern Cali has 40+ I think) and do not know about Wyoming but in CA if one doesn't have the internet (I meant have access to, not whether or not the internet REACHES their community ;) ) it's pretty much the end of the world or a sign of a true bumpkin ;)

    Not in any way a slam about the people that live there, just less likely that they can go "Fine, I'll drive 15 miles THAT way and get a better deal" and if you had limited/no resources to where you could SEE the real MSRP, you may assume that this price is fair...
  7. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Brad, If you are referencing my post, you misunderstood it. Wetntacky posted, in part
    We were given 2 choices. My reponse was that "Or what" wasn't the right answer :)