Hello. I’ve got yesterday a blinking icons and beep sound + hard brake pedal. It was for about 200m and then it dissapers and everything works fine. After one day the situation repeat. For example today I drive about 30km and no problem. I borrow a cable from friend and there was error C1252 and C1256 in memory. I’ve checked inverter pump and water flows, the wheel sensor show speed currently. I know that in the worst scenario it is broken ABS Pump but maybe I can do something before that? I’ve read about calibration with Techstream - can it help? I’ve add that I have changed rear disc and brake pads about 2 months ago and one of calliper poop out becouse I’ve push brake without pads but I’ve pushed it - some of fluid came out but it still was good level near to max in tank. How can I perform calibration and can something go wrong there?
The two codes you have are both from the brake system, and they are related. The C1256 means that the brake fluid pressure isn't being maintained at the proper pressure, and the C1252 means the was running longer than it should have to, trying to keep the fluid pressure up. So it is not very surprising to see those two codes together. Ordinarily, that would be a fairly positive sign of a problem with the actuator (in a Gen 2, the actuator includes the pump and accumulator, so there's no need for any more hairsplitting over what to replace), unless you find an electrical problem preventing the pump from running, or something simple like that. In this case, given the mishap with the rear brake, if the system was not refilled with fluid and properly bled of air using the computer-based built-in procedure to do so, I would at least give that a shot, before spending money on an actuator.
Ive got Techstream and tried to do Linear Valve Calibration and I’ve got C1345 and C1368 errors I’ve tried at ignition, at Ready and all time it fails - I’ve hear that ABS Pump is running. Every time I’ve hit solid icons - not flashing. Air bleed can help or i need to look for new pump?
Do make sure it has all been properly bled first. It's not going to learn a proper linear valve offset if the valve is spitting air bubbles.