Tried searching but could not find if someone has posted a writeup on removing the battery pack out of a 3rd gen (2010) Prius IV. Also, I've seen conflicting information about what side(drivers side or passenger side) is the number one block. Dr. Prius app is telling me block number 13 is bad and I want to make sure which one it is in the whole pack. Thank you.
So if Dr. Prius indicates number 13 block is bad, that'd be one of the last few blocks on the driver's side?
Regardless of battery model, block 1/module1 is always where the large orange main cable is connected to the negative terminal.
Have you searched youtube? I found several videos of removing the hybrid battery. How are you going to balance the pack after replacing bad packs?
In this video, the guy says block number 1 is on the passenger side. You say it's on the side where the orange cable is like at the 50sec mark in this video, which is shown here in the driver's side. Is there another orange cable connection the passenger side I'm not seeing here?
At each end of the pack, there is a module with a big orange cable attached to it. At one end, the cable is attached to the module's + terminal. At the other end, the other cable is attached to that module's − terminal. TMR was talking about the end where the cable attaches to the − terminal.
Must be a Gen 2. Looks a lot different than my 2010.... Just throw that stuff around, doesn't matter where it lands.... Those buss bars looked bad. But it doesn't matter. Why clean them while you have it apart??? Should have started the car before puttting it all back together. No need to balance the pack... the car will do it. Why did Prolong spend all the money and time in research to come up with their system??? If those cells were back, shortly others will follow....