You might try holding the Start Button for at least 5 seconds. What you describe doesn’t sound normal. Perhaps the battery in the Key Fob needs to be replaced.
I don't know about the Gen 3, but the Prius Prime puts it to P automatically and shut downs when you press the Start switch even when you are in D—I guess as long as the vehicle is stopped.
Yeah, hold the power button. It will almost certainly turn off. But this also, IMO, indicates a deeper problem. Good luck.
Yeah and my Gen 2 when the dash is acting up like not displayed but I'm driving the car anyway everything else is working and I'm getting 47 miles to the gallon. When I get to places I have to hold my start button in about 5 seconds I don't count it out so I don't know exactly but then the car completely shuts off. My SKS works perfectly walks and unlocks the cars I walk up to etc. As soon as I fixed my display the heads up thing the gear and the speed all that then this problem went away now it's a quick push and a quick push off and never anything else so I don't know what's in that circuit that lights up the heads up display but it seems to have something to do with at least shutting off portion of the car.
That's highly possible because the display doesn't work at all when this is going on I have no speedometer no gas gauge Don't know what gear I'm in other than I pulled it in the drive but the car drives fine gets 47 mi to the gallon. The minute I change the display in my display worked all this business stopped push the button on push the button off no holding anything. Now funny thing is the other week my SKS remote went through the wash and initially it unlocked the doors coming right out of the dryer no problem and then it died the red light doesn't even work but now it locks into the slot when I start the car it's never done that before it also would always start with the remote in my pocket I never had to put it in the slot. Now I cannot start the car without the remote in the slot. I need to pull the battery out of the remote and see if it got fried in the wash usually the electronics are fine they're just real clean we'll see I think everything on the board is sealed. But I thought that was interesting after going through the wash now it locks in the slot and will not start without that remote in the slot
Just tried to start my 2010 Prius. Got sort of a low moaning sound and Malfunction Lamp Indicator on dash. Lights are dim and cannot unlock all doors from driver's side. Ignition button light is steady on and amber but flashes amber when door is opened. Any thoughts about possible cause or solution appreciated!
I think I'd charge it up a bit and see if that fixes the problem albeit temporarily. If it does, maybe have the battery tested at a parts store and see what they say.