Hey everyone, I’ve had the PP about 6 months now. Love it. But I have a few questions: 1. Does the estimated EV distance include the likely extra miles due to regeneration? Is this why it’s quite a bit higher than Toyota advertises? If so, why wouldn’t Toyota include such miles in their estimate? 2. When in HV, why does the MID energy display show an arrow from the ICE to the traction motor? 3. It seems to me that if I hit the HV button while travelling EV, the engine comes on immediately (I can hear it) and the MID seems to immediately show power to the wheels. Wouldn’t this suggest no ICE warm-up prior to it being called upon? 4. Is there anyway to warm-up the engine for a longer period if about to drive in HV? Thanks for your responses. Cheers.
Even though the ICE starts promptly it’s initially under very light load until it’s safe to increase its load. All flavor of Prius have done this since day one without I’ll effects.
That’s cool. I’d be interested to hear more about how that would work; is the load shared between ICE and motor?
The range is derived from the EPA test cycles, which have stops in them. So it does factor regen to some degree. Car companies can't advertise results better than the test, but they can choose to use lower. Toyota tends under rate their hybrids. It's a power-split or parallel-series hybrid. Whenever the engine is running, a portion of its torque always goes to M/G1 to generate electricity for the traction motor or battery. As mentioned, the hybrids draw more energy from the battery during the first few moments of engine start up. The engine is running, but the system is trying to operate as an EV still. With the exhaust heat recovery system, warm up is already pretty fast.
you aren't regening much electricity unless traveling down a big hill or mountain. if you watch the eve mile estimate, you won't see it go up in most circumstances. pretty much what youget from the wall is what you have. i like to warm the engine up prior to the highway, but that's just me
Thanks for these helpful responses everyone. Regarding regeneration, even without hills and with slow city driving, I seem to regen .2 or .3 kilometres each major stop. So this would seem to add up to 10km, perhaps, per full charge. That would be about a 15-20% addition. Or is this not possible?
Acceleration typically negates most regeneration unless it's your final stop for a trip or if you're accelerating down a hill all the time. There might be a slight gain based on how soft your foot is on the accelerator pedal. You could negate some of the acceleration loss by switching to HV mode from EV mode and this would be called stacking.
Here's a video from my collection to fulfill that curiosity. The display on the right is an aftermarket device which provides detail you don't get from the dashboard.
Thanks for this, John. It’s interesting that the percentage battery remaining on that aftermarket display only goes downward. To me, this would suggest no regen? Why does my guess-o-meter of kilometres remaining go down but also up — I assume this is reflecting regen. Your website is fantastic; I came across it last night. I look forward to reading about the energy-flow and power-split device. And, great photos!
The only other way to pre-heat the engine is to install an engine block heater. But between the active aero flaps and the exhaust heat recovery system, the Prime had a quicker warm up period than any other Prius and definitely faster than any other car. If you have the 11.6” screen, you can see your trip regen total. Bring up the Energy Monitor (swipe up and rotate through the “dials” or just navigate their through the menu), click the graph icon in the top right. It should give trip regen and previous minute IIRC. Usually it’s about 10%-20%. I have recouped as much as 1.5kWh on a city trip. Usually, I’m in the 800-1000Wh area. So it’s about 5-10km extra, yes.
Thanks TP on the tip about the energy monitor for determining trip regen. And, yes, I do have a block heater but don’t really need to use it when garaged. I suppose putting on the heater/defroster would kick the engine on soon after start up and then I could sit a minute while both the car and engine heat up. Just read about the exhaust heat recovery system — another cool attribute of this car.