Hi all, a newb here w/a query re: storage. I've read a bunch on the forum about it but I'm wondering if there's any potential detriment to partially charging my 2018 PP for say, 2-3 hours, and then not using it for up to several (3-4) days. Additionally, would a full charge left for the same amount of time be detrimental? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The manual advises to keep it in hybrid mode before storage. I’m sure a bit of charge is ok but preferably not a full charge. 3-4 days is fine. I’ve gone on week-long trips with the battery in HV mode and it started right up upon return.
Thanks Tideland. I'm not concerned about start-up after sitting idle, rather, I can't get my wife to plan her usage such that it occurs immediately upon charging (sigh) so I'm trying to reckon the acceptable wiggle room/time in between (partial/full) charging and usage. If it sits only for a couple days it's sounds as if a large fraction of full charge is OK.
WN - Don't obsess over it. We often don't drive ours for a few days. When I come home in the afternoon I plug it in with my level one charger (120V) and unplug it the next morning when I go out to the garage. I have been doing this for five years (since I bought it new) and the traction battery seems to be unchanged since new. However, if you are not using it for a few weeks, I would recommend you use a battery tender to keep your 12V battery charged.
Thank you W. I suspected it would be OK to operate it as you describe. I too have a battery tender which I used for my previous non-plug-in hybrid (ES300H) during those long absences. BTW, as is the case with nearly everyone else, we love our PP. It's too smart by half: could probably do my taxes for me.
same problem with mrs b, so i leave my pip about half charged most of the time. that way, i can stall her a bit, and hopefully get enough electrons in toget her where she wants to go. when we go away, i leave it discharged to hv.
Ohh I see. Do you have a Level 1 or Level 2 charger at home? If you have a level 2, a quick 1 hour charge will bring back nearly 60% of the battery (the bottom half of the battery charges faster than the top half). For a L1, it’ll be closer to 3 hours. But yes, a partial charge is fine I’m sure. But also know that the Prime is really efficient in hybrid mode too. Gotta burn through that tank eventually!
I use to commute to work every day, so it was easy to schedule an overnight charge for the departure time of 6 am every day. I just plugged the charging cord every afternoon after coming home. But that routine changed after I started to work from home. I am still working from home now and my car use is unpredictable. As commented, I don't overthink too much about the charge timing and amount. I just plug in at night whenever the car was driven that day. If I know for sure I am not going to drive the car the next day, then I may delay the plug-in. But again, I don't pay much attention to it excessively. Just plug in whenever you can. You should be OK. as long as you are not "storing" for a long time meaning months at a time. I certainly have done 3-4 days with a full charge numerous times on my PP.
Yeah I wonder about that. To keep engine happy, maybe aim to go through a tank every 3~4 months at least.
Thanks, I'm glad there is a workable spread between optimization and obsession. One doesn't want to be tyrannized by a virtuous system.
Oops. I run a tank once a year. But yeah, at least twice a year is good (to get the season appropriate fuel blend)
Unless your Prime has a carburetor, having the right seasonal blend shouldn't matter. Much of the fuel blend requirements are for the older cars still running.