Hello all. I have a 2013 prius package five with tech package. The LKA used to work fine with the adaptive cruise but then I got tired of using it on the interstate because when I'm in the passing lane passing a truck I tend to hug the left line to stay away from the truck which sets off the alarm. Last long trip I took and worried about getting sleepy I realized it doesn't work. I'm at 75+ mph with radar cruise on which works great. Push the LKA button and it lights up the two lane markers on the panel with the steering wheel showing. I have realized though that the lines no longer brighten up or get bolder like they used to when the LKA was engaged. The interstate has well marked lines which it picks up but it doesn't engage. I have tried different grips on the steering wheel, turning it, and even hands off. I hadn't used it for a while so I never got to say anything to the dealer when I've had it in there. Thanks for your help.
I've had it for 2.5 years and 37000 miles so I think it is under warranty. It would involve driving a ways and taking a half or full day to get it to the dealer. I'm checking to see if there is something I can fix myself such as a fuse, checking wires, cleaning, etc.
Figures. I know some of those things go up to 100K for the warranty. Somehow I was thinking the warranty went to 5 years and 60K.
standard warranty covers up to 36000 miles, powertrain maybe up to 50k miles (I don't recall), and hybrid stuff up to 100k miles
Been searching on google. TSB # TC14-033 says they extended the warranty on 2010 to 2014 Prius Intelligent power module if that was my problem. Also a couple TSB's for the 2012 prius for the Lane Keep Assist not beeping. TSB # CSD-053115 and TSB # TCS-12-014. It was a place for car complaints and it looks like you have to pay to see the tsb. Any other way to access the TSB's from Toyota? Thanks.
The camera for LKA is above the rear view mirror. Make sure the lens is clean and free from obstructions, and the windshield in front of it is clean. And if you've ever had your windshield replaced, make sure they used the right one - I believe the Advanced Tech package uses a different windshield. There are black dots that help keep the sun from shining through above the rear view mirror into your eyes; on most versions, I believe the dots are symmetrical to the left and right of the arm that the rear view mirror is mounted on. On the AT version, the dots on the driver's side don't go as far down the windshield - this is where the camera looks out to see the lane markers.
Thanks everyone and particularly macman as it now works. Turns out I had mounted my dash cam with windshield suction mount behind the mirror blocking the camera. Moved it and it works. I didn't know there was a camera there which is about 3 inches to the left of the center post. I know the radar cruise has a couple rectangular covers, one by each headlight and I thought that controlled the LKA as well and from what I've read it says to keep them clean of bugs, etc. My windshield has the black dots on the left side that don't come down as far as the right side and I never really knew what purpose they had. I also need to correct my first post as the steering wheel light did not come on before but now it does and the lines brighten up as it sees the outside lines. Thanks again everyone.
I'm guessing the rectangular covers you're thinking of are actually the headlight washers, if they're the ones that stick out a bit from the body. (There's also the flush covers a bit lower and closer to the middle, which hide the screw-ins for the towing eyelet in case you need to be pulled out of a ditch somewhere.) The radar itself is hidden behind the Toyota badge in the front. You can see it (a large, flat-faced object) if you pop the hood. The front badge is different on the models with DRCC, presumably to make the badge transparent to the radar. Non-DRCC models have a more three-dimensional badge like in the back, while ours looks 3D-ish, but is covered in a layer of clear plastic (or whatever material that is).
Can I chime in with the same problem, hopefully bring up this old thread. I just had my windshield replaced and my LKA camera and system worked before installation of the new windshield, but the company cannot get the camera to work now. They tried several times to re-calibrate the camera, along with the help of the tech company that provides the calibration process. I checked and the windshield is correct, the black dots do not come down as far on the side with the camera and the system comes on and shows the two lane lines, but they will not turn bold showing the camera has recognized the lanes. Has anyone else had what I suspect is a camera failure after recalibration?? The glass installers and tech who did the re-calibration says they have cleared any codes they can find associated with the system. The next step is to take it to a dealer and let them diagnose, just wanted to get some hints or advice for anyone who has been down this road before. Thanks
LKA really is not very good on the older Prius cars. It's over a decade old technology. The new LKA from newer cars really work well, but you shouldn't expect much from the older cars
It's best to have the Dealer do it. They have the correct Toyota equipment to do the job correctly. Hopefully, a tech that can do it.
Resolved: The Toyota dealer was able to properly calibrate the LKA front camera and now it works properly. Do not know why the glass company system would not do the job, maybe the age of the vehicle (2010) Thanks for the input.
Glad to hear! Because the aftermarket stuff doesn't always work. Nor do the people have the training or ability to do it correctly. It's working, that's what matters!