My car has 143K miles, mostly freeway driving, and I've followed the standard maintenance items in the owner's manual and replaced the spark plugs at 140K. I've occasionally noticed some hesitation upon acceleration from a dead stop, but not all the time. Mileage is a bit lower than when it was brand new (52 mpg vs 45), but I attribute that to age and the Michelin Premiere tires. I've seen the how-to videos for cleaning our the EGR and cooler, but I don't have a good way to get under the car (no ramps or jackstands) and would rather go to a shop to have it done. Any recommendations for a local place that can do this? I split time between SF and SJ. Or might there be other causes for this behavior? The sparkplugs didn't look terrible (to my eye). Oil and coolant levels are steady, so I don't think I'm burning oil. On a separate note, I've lurked here for a few years, learning a goodly amount from everyone, but this is the first time I needed to post. All the info is greatly appreciated.
Try running some Techron in the fuel system. It will clean it out and if the hesitation is coming from a partially clogged injector, it will clean it out and fix it. It's like $11 at O'Reilly's. Techron is a fuel system cleaner. It's cheap and easy to start off with. I run it in mine every 3k to 5k mi. Works great for me.
$50 ramps will be a lot cheaper and less frustrating than finding a knowledgeable pro. Especially one willing to do cleaning, not just replace parts. theoretically everything “can” be done from above, until you drop something, then having the front end raised a bit and the engine underpanel off is very useful. for info on the EGR cleaning procedure see first link in my signature.
luscious and avi's are in your neighborhood. were the plugs oem from a dealer? try cleaning the throttle body and maf
I bought the spark plugs from RockAuto, a set of Denso SC20HR11. Never changed plugs before, but it went pretty well. While I did drop something (isn't that always the case?), I was able to fish it back out with chopsticks. I think I can handle doing a throttle body and EGR pipe cleaning. There's a local mechanic I've used for years to do my oil, coolant, and brake fluid changes, so next time I do an oil change, I'll ask if he's able/willing to clean out the EGR areas I can't get to. If not, Luscious is probably the next stop. At 140K, does the water pump need changing?
It would be prudent. Replace thermostat too. Maybe at next coolant change. Reason being: the pump has a plastic impeller, and there has been a lot of failures reported, around 150~200k miles.
OK, I'll make a note to get the pump, thermostat, coolant, and brake fluid sorted at 150K. My local mechanic apparently doesn't have access to TechStream to do the brake fluid flush. As for cleaning the EGR pipe, it sounds like most folks recommend using carb cleaner or possibly Oxiclean. Has anyone tried Barkeeper's Friend, since the pipe is stainless?
Finally got around to cleaning the throttle plate. There were some additional clips on the far left side of the air box, so I couldn't fully remove it easily, but I did manage to get to the throttle plate. I had less luck with the EGR pipe. I only have a stubby 10 mm open wrench, so lacked enough leverage (or arm strength ) to loosen the bolt. Going to have to borrow one from a friend next time. The plate was a bit grimy, so glad it's nice and clean now. I also found that somehow, I've lost the cap to the engine coolant reservoir. I topped off some coolant about 2 weeks ago, so maybe I thought I had put it back on and it actually fell off somewhere into the engine? Coolant level is fine and I've driven the car w/ no issues, but definitely a facepalm moment.
And with the appropriate wrench, I was able to remove the EGR pipe and clean it out. There was a layer of debris, but it came clean rather easily. Sprayed some carb cleaner, used a brass pipe brush, and it was clean in minutes. Also wiped out the surrounding areas I could see. This past week, I haven't noticed any hesitation in the car since cleaning the throttle plate, so maybe that's all the car really needed.
With 143k it’s time, clean that EGR system and intake. Lots of info in first link in my signature. start by removing nut on the lower bracket of EGR cooler. It’s a bear to get to, but can be done without removing anything else, and can be left off. If ambitious, take the stud off at that location too. It requires an E8 Torx socket, and you want to be real patient; it tends to bind. Just take it slow. Access sucks: you’ll be backing it out one/two clicks at a time. Leave it off too.
Whenever you decide to do that complete EGR cleaning, if you have an OBD scan tool that is able to retrieve "mode 6" monitor test results (those are standard, so many scan tools can), it is very helpful to look at your EGR flow test result before you do any of that work, and post it, with your odometer mileage, on the thread we have for that purpose. Then, after cleaning, you can post the new flow test result. The more of that information we have, the less we need to rely on bald assertions of when it is or isn't time to do the work. I should mention that we have lately noticed another sort of issue, mashed ski-jump syndrome, that can develop in high-mileage EGR valves. It is simple to inspect for the condition: just two Phillips screws involved, but often stubborn, and a simple hand impact driver (the kind you bop with a hammer) makes easy work of loosening them without stripping the heads). It is now something I would check whenever doing anything with a high-mileage EGR system.
I don't have a scan tool, but know a fair number of gearheads at work who do. Will have to check if one of them has an appropriate reader they can let me borrow. Car is otherwise fine. Doesn't burn oil and just runs like it should. Will likely make an appointment with Luscious to do all the work I can't do, maybe sometime next month when life is a little less crazy.