Yesterday I made a post about what would happen, if anything, if I doubled the batteries in my car. And the responses I got was that is exactly what the plug-in versions are. That got me thinking because there is A LOT of primes out there for sale that are losing value primarily due to the batteries dying and the owner knows how expensive it is to replace. If I happen to find a prime that has its batteries worn out, I have no doubt I can get it cheaper than a regular Prius due to assumption you will have to change all the batteries to get it working again. BUT do I really? If all the components are the same, can I not just swap out the tray with any prius tray that is non-plug in and have it work the same? I assume the ECU on the prime and pip versions account for more modules than just 14, correct? So my plan would be to swap everything except the thick orange cables that run to the hood. I would be saving weight, space, and money, but mainly money. Anyone tried this? If so, does it work? I know this is technically a downgrade to the car, but in certain situations like buying used with no working batteries, this can be an upgrade to getting it road ready for cheap.
I have a gen-3 and a prime. I drive either of them on a daily basis. My wife and I both prefer to drive the prime. On any given day which one of us leaves the house first, will usually jump in the prime and go. Leaving the gen-3 for the other person to use that day. The gen-3 will only EV at low speeds [like <9mph]. Whereas the Prime software allows it to EV at all speeds. For us driving the prime is more like a game. Can we do our errands and make it home again all on the EV charge, or if we go further, then as we re-charge the HV battery, how much do we need to re-charge to make it all the way home on EV. My wife is thrilled each time that she can work it to get her back into our driveway on EV. Even if she drove 100 miles that day on the ICE. Realistically since the gen-3 software prohibits EV driving at normal speeds, we rarely even think about using EV in that car. As per the OP, I think you are correct. A prime with a dead HV battery would act very much like a gen-3.
there are NOT A LOT of primes for sale, and no one is worried about replacing the battery. the few you can find for sale are increasing in value. no, you cannot just 'swap out the tray', please don't burn your house down
I didn't say plugin Prius is exact same thing as a Prius with two battery packs. I said that when they launched the original Plugin Prius a decade ago they based their initial design on those well established efforts. As for your latest question: The cost of a new set of batteries isn't going to make the most reliable Prius ever built significantly cheaper just because there's more batteries to replace. Also there's no way to take half the battery power out of a plugin Prius and have it still run normally unless you spoof a great number of sensors, which is likely impossible. What's more used Gen3 and Gen2 have doubled in price in past couple years because of high gas prices and buyers wanting to go all electric despite prices still being unaffordable and having to wait. As in there used to be a dozen used Prius on craigslist in Seatlle area on a constant basis for more than a decade. But in past year you're lucky if you see one or two.
It is VERY SIMPLE to fix the issues with prescription drug costs and medical insurance costs. It is VERY TRIVIAL to fix the world food problems. It is VERY SIMPLE to have world piece. Oops, sorry. I'm just getting off the LSD that Priipriii and I were sharing. That's some good ******!
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Baring breaking physically laws, the answer to 'Is it possible?' is very frequently 'How much can you afford?' It absolutely is possible, will it be any cheaper than rebuilding the Prime's battery? I doubt it. It's resale is very likely $0 as a buyer is going to claim fraud if you sell it as a Prime, or as a Prius. It will be neither. Similarly, no mechanic is going to want to work on it, it will be tough to insure, license and registration may be unique, etc. But yes, I bet it is possible. (Why would you?)
is the o/p toying with our affections? 3 odd threads so far. i won't use the t word yet, cause i always get reprimanded. okay, i guess toying is a t word, but so is toyota. well, a t name anyway. where are my psych meds
This is obviously very upsetting to you... First time I've seen you use almost 50 words in a reply in years. I hope you have a friend you can talk to so you can calm yourself down?
I know replacement battery packs for Toyota Hybrids range from $2,000-$7,000 depending on if you're going with OEM or aftermarket or rebuilt but how much are replacement battery packs for Primes? I've never seen the price range. (I suppose I could Google it, huh....but I often say, after Googling something, "I don't know about that!" I"m old school....wanna hear stuff from people.)
They are exactly the same batteries as a regular prius, but its I think 4x more cells than the regular. You are going from 1.1 kw to 8.8 kw of storage. So its safe to assume it will be 4x the cost to get them all replaced, but if you DIY by switching out each cell, thats still 4x the number of cells you gotta service and switch out
Makes $8,000-$14,000. One website said the Toyota Prime batteries last 3-8 years and I seriously doubt that, knowing Toyota's.