I apologize for asking this because I know the answer is in the manual and I know I should know it anyway. When I tried tonight to lock my 2010 Prius with the key fob, I heard three beeps but the door didn't lock. That makes me nervous about whether the car will start tomorrow when we head home from a trip. I know there is a special procedure for starting the car in this situation and that it involves holding the key fob up to the "start" button. Can any of you remind me of exactly how this works? I am kicking myself about this because recently I had a battery installed in the spare key fob, and I should have had the brains to get a new battery for this one as well. Thanks for whatever help you can give. I hope all of you are well.
you just hold it in front of the power button and push it like normal. but that's for a dead fob battery. idk what the 3 beeps mean
Thank you! Now that I think of it, I believe three beeps mean that the key fob thinks there's another key fob inside the car (There isn't, but I've had occasional experiences in which the locking system has done odd things.) But maybe someone else will know the answer. Thanks again -- you're always a source of great info!
I have had the three beeps happen when I thought I powered down the car and tried to arm the car but it beeped three times and I double checked and it was still on. http://www.RedBullet.net Use code azusa https://ProjectLithium.com/?ref=mG0GE http://www.Pulstar.com http://www.PlugOutPower.com Use code 7373 http://www.HybridPit.com Use code azusa http://CatStrap.net Use code azusa QUOTES FOR FUEL GENIE SYSTEMS ON PRIUS CARS Use code azusa https://SmartPedal.com/discount/AZUSA
When I saw your post this morning, I ran out to the car --and indeed it was still on! I shut it off and turned it on to make sure I hadn't depleted the 12-volt battery, and everything seemed fine. I didn't have any accessories running, and the car engine didn't run so far as I know (maybe it had to turn on sometimes to keep the main battery charged?) I was carrying a food and drink, and I must have been so busy doing that to think of making sure I had turned off the car. I had never made this mistake since buying the car new in 2009 -- but I guess there's a first time for everything! Thanks so much! P.S. Is there anything I need to do now?
With a traditional key, you wouldn't be able to remove it with this scenario, till you'd shut it down, and put it in park, IIRC. But we've "progressed"... I've done the same thing, btw. You hear the 3 beeps, and think "now what the heck", not "oh sh*t, it's on and likely only the parking brake is keeping it from plowing into my garage door".
Your note makes me realize I was very lucky that the car didn't start moving without my being in it! (I did have the sense to put the parking brake on.) I've been on this forum long enough to know that you are a *very* experienced and knowlegeable Prius driver -- it makes me feel better thant you've made the same error!
you don't need to do anything. prius can be left on and will take care of itself until it runs out of gas. it keeps the 12v charged, and the hybrid battery charged in a low state, 2 bars
We drove sixty miles home today. The car behaved perfectly. We didn't reset the trip odometer before leaving. The result was that miles per gallon and average velocity were very low. So the engine must have turned on periodically to keep the hybrid battery charged. A thought occurred to me when I got home. If one opens the driver passenger door with the car in a gear other than park, there is a steady loud beep. I don't think I would have disregarded that. So I think that what happened was that I put the car into park -- but didn't push the start button to turn it off. Live and learn! Thanks again to all who replied to my inquiry!