the little premade rear lines are a dealer part i presume. don't see them offered anywhere else. is there a parts book resource as a sticky here somewhere or if anyone has that page trying to chase down the diagram and parts numbers number for the rear brakes. thanks, brian
Looks like the one with callout 47323 here, no? Scroll down to find the full part number, here: BRAKE TUBE & CLAMP. 2008 Toyota Prius | Toyota
Alot of imports use similar flex at rear swing points . And the metric fittings or brake line fittings would generally offer up . Even disc brake on rear . Talk to EIS or such MFGR.
@ChapmanF Thank you. Yes, I think you are right on the number. the diagram is a little more metaphorical than some but that seems to be the part. shipping is as much as the part but they want a handling charge for pickup and keeping track of small parts and me having to go get it I just decided to pay up and let it come by 'mail'. buying an extra set cause they seem to fit* 2005 and 2008 and i've got 2 of each and that makes the shipping 2/3 of the part cost. they do have $75 free shipping which is pretty decent. I'm just not thinking of any other dealer parts that I need at the moment. The ball broke off the hood latch cable, but i unbolted the latch through the grill to open it and cut the bottom guard off and now i can trigger both latches from the front of the car so i'm not buying another cable. what is the next thing likely to go? brian *the fitment callouts are a little weird on the site and i'd like to see the full range of years or VIN for a part. nice that i can put in my VIN number to check but i would be more interested in the complete range to see if i want to put a couple on the shelf. and when i put in a generic with year i get some really cribbed vin number ranges displayed where it looks like the part only fits like 900 cars. can't look a gift horse in the mouth, but they've got a ways to go with their website compared to some i-commerce sites i've seen for equally complicated parts rubrics, e.g. appliance repair sites.
There is another site that everybody uses with much better prices that doesn't involve the dealer I can't think of the name of the place right now but machine is awfully expensive those little lines should be around I don't know 25 or 30 bucks or something and not really much to them I bet if you looked in the brake parts catalog you could find a bunch of those hoses for a bunch of different cars other than a little difference in length probably not much to it but it's much easier to look on a chart and order the right one and just pay the money it's not like you're going to do this again
@Tombukt2 if anyone remembers this site for toyota parts lmk. the diagram is metaphorical so it doesn't show well that these aren't flex hoses that are a little more negotiable on length as long as they have the right ends and obvously self adjusting as to bend and approach angle. But these really short steel lines need careful bends preserving angle and distance parameters in order to fit. Toyota, if they were thinking about it, could make use of the same parts in various models that have simlar last mile to wheel cylinder, but i'm not sure they do and the site isn't set up to tell you what range of models pieces fit, but only whether they fit the car you currently have entered. i could just get the shortest off the shelf generic metric steel brake line, like 12" and put it in with a loose sloopy loop to connect in place of the 4" oems but you need a lot extra to make possible to compensate on the fly for the inexact fit. And even if I make up a shorter straight line; the bends must be so crisp and exact to fit i have kind of stuck with OEM on these applications unless i need immediate turn around since they have to be ordered. The dealer pricing isn't that bad, like $6.50, but the shipping is $8.95 . . . brian
For $6.50 it's not even worth my time looking up anything to mess with it that's way too cheap I believe in '85 MA67 supra would work. Almost identical setup it did have rear wheel drive a center pumpkin and drive axles to the rear wheels but that's not relevant to this conversation The rear brake lines I think are the little short things that go from metal on the frame to rubber making a turn and then connecting to the caliper or such I was just saying you can make a bunch of these different ones work pretty easily especially if it's from a Toyota but for $6.50 it's not worth fooling with I thought they were like 40 bucks a pop or something.