For all Pruis 3 owners who have an intelligent parking system with unit B9016, I am sharing my android head unit installation manual so that others can successfully complete the conversion.
I bought the same android head unit and my car is 2012 toyota prius with jbl and premium nav. The only difference is I do not have an IPA. I want to keep the oem backup camera and the seller (sadocom) said he will provide the harness but If I connect that harness won't it damage the backup camera because it needs 6v? does the sadocom head unit or the harness convert the voltage to 6v for the backup camera or I have to manually add in a step down converter? Thanks.
Hey, Im about to do the same install, but im not sure how to make the IPA connector cable. Any chance you got some pictures of your cable? Is it connected from the IPA-ECU to the Headunit? Would a 'Axxess AX-TOYCAM2-6V' be any use here at all?
What I know form the sadocom unit is that it is able to receive the video signal. But it does not feed power to the oem backup camera. So I think that the harness only connects to the video signal. I might be possible that the 6v powersupply to the camera is connected to the reverse signal. In other words when you remove the oem unit it could be that the camera still has 6V when you put the car in reverse.
I am not sure if I understand your questions. But what I did is I cut the 4 wires connected to the IPA-ECU unit connector. Connected a new 4 pin connector to those for wires. And made my own cable/harness with the 4 pin on the one end and one connector at the other and going to the oem connector which has the reverse 12v signal. And the video signal cable to the sadocom harness. Documented in my manual on page 13 and 14. I have not made pictures of my own cable. I have to open up the dashboard for that to make the pictures. All the pictures I made are in my manual. The Axxess AX-TOYCAM2-6V can't be used because it has not the right connectors. Building your own cable is much cheaper.
Very nice documentation. My 2 cents. I put an android unit in a 2010 Prius with JBL but not factory navigation. For this model the canbus box is necessary to use the JBL amp. It is not needed for steering wheel control. I didn't have a factory backup camera. My car doesn't have IPS. I believe the canbus decoder would have routed video to the HU, not 100% sure. A nut driver, or socket, did a good job removing the 4 bolts holding the factory radio in the dash. Your picture isn't clear, at least to me. Where did you install the GPS antenna? How did you wire it?
I did exactly what is shown in this video figure 11 But to be honest getting the cables behind the steering wheel is not easy. In retrospect, I would not have chosen the left side of the windscreen but the right side for placement, which is much easier, I noticed when I started working with the microphone.
(In Dutch since youre from NL and it might make the question more clear) -- Dus ik heb een IPA systeem, die ik verder niet gebruik, de Sadocom ligt klaar om in te bouwen, maar ik wil dus eigenlijk de originele camera behouden. Kan ik de stekker van de camera uit de IPA ECU halen en die dan met een eigen stekker aansluiten op de Sadocom? Of moet ik een andere camera inbouwen? Liever niet natuurlijk, achterklep uit elkaar halen klinkt als een onprettig project. (In English for future reference) I have the Sadocom ready to go, and an IPA I don't really use, but I still want to retain the camera itself. Dont really care about the guide lines. Can I unplug the camera from the IPA ECU and shove it in the Sadocom with a custom cable?
Kan ik de stekker van de camera uit de IPA ECU halen en die dan met een eigen stekker aansluiten op de Sadocom. Dit zal lastig zijn omdat de IPA ECU stekker een grote stekker is voor meerdere signalen. Ik heb de vier camera draden los geknipt en er een eigen vier polige stekker er tussen gezet. Dus de camera kan ik nu op de IPA ECU aansluiten of op mijn eigen kabel naar de Sadocom unit. Maar de camera heeft 6v voeding nodig dus heb ik op het 12v achteruitrij signaal een 12 naar 6v converter aangesloten. En deze op de voeding van de camera. En vervolgens het camera signaal naar de sadocom unit. Dus zodra ik de auto in de achteruit zet gaat de camera aan. Dus je hoeft geen andere camera in te bouwen. Kijk goed in mijn document daar staat precies in welke draadden je los moet knippen en welke converter je er tussen moet zetten. Ik heb de achterklep uit elkaar gehaald om te achterhalen waar de kabels van de camera naar toe lopen, dus dat hoef je nu niet meer uit te zoeken . Mocht je met me willen overleggen dat kan stuur maar een bericht hoe ik je kan bereiken.
I got it installed and everything is working including oem backup camera but I am having one annoying issue. After starting the car and it wakes up from sleep exactly after 2.5 mins it will turn off mobile data and turn it back on. It does this every time. If I disable sleep mode and it does a full boot when car starts this issue doesn't happen so its somehow related to waking up from sleep. The problem this is causing it that waze drops internet connection when this mobile data toggle happens and I have to restart waze to get the connection back. Any ideas on how to prevent this toggle from happening?
Sorry for the late reply, but I'm having a hard time understanding which kind of harness I need in order for the steering wheel controls to work. Right now, I have a very crude harness installed (it was the only one available at the local auto parts store) and most things don't work. What is puzzling me though is that all of my steering wheel controls stopped working. I cannot control the gauge cluster at all since along with the media SWC also the A/C and trip/disp SWC stopped working. Is this normal, or did I break something? Your guide has pictures of 2 different harnesses, one with a canbus decoder and one without. You also mentioned that a canbus decoder is necessary to retain the steering wheel controls. Could someone please point me to a compatible harness since I'm having a hard time finding one?
Thank you for your notes. Can you please clarify, after your install did the IPAS continue to work? i.e. I understood you could use the original camera but was assisted parking functionality retained ?