Bought a 2019 prius for my cousin, and we found something plugged into the obd port, its like a wire that runs somewhere. Does anybody know what it might be?
Might be a GPS tracker for a financier who underwrote the loan for the previous buyer or one of those insurance monitoring programs.
Hey, how's it going in Jordan? I spent a few months there. Cool place, great people ;-) Any way to contact the previous owner and ask them what it is?
It could just be an 'extension cord' to make it easier to plug in a reader without fishing around under the dash. I have a similar one that's about 6" (15 cm.) long.
Thanks, its good although really hot right now, its imported from the us so i don't know the owner. Will try to trace the cable see where it leads.
Great. The access behind the dash is surprisingly good so you should be able to trace it pretty well. Let us know what you find ;-)