So my 2012 prius five reached 85k miles and now on the dash screen it says maintenance required and it wont go away. I checked the codes and nothing seems wrong with the car so im a but confused on that part. Any advice or tips would be much appreciated.
it's just a reminder to do the every 5k maintenance. oil change, tires, etc. check your maintenance schedule. the o/m tells you how to delete the message until the next 5k
There's an owner's manual that tells you how to turn it off... There's plenty of youtube videos about how to turn it off... There's also multiple websites that explain it.
You can download a pdf of the owners manual, from Toyota Tech Info site for one. Easier to search than thumbing through 800 paper pages. Search it for say “maintenance required”.
You should be able to tap the "display" button and make the message go away for the remainder of your drive. If you take it in for service, they'll reset the light. If you do your own maintenance, you can reset it yourself by doing the following: set the display to Trip A power down the car hold the MPH/KPH button while pressing the power button. A screen will appear showing a progress bar for resetting the Maintenance Required message. When complete release the MPH/KPH button.