Does anyone have any recommendations/experience as far as how much weight can be loaded on a roof rack on their Prius? I have a 2007, and would like to transport two 60 pound kayaks. Am looking at buying a Thule rack with two lift assist devices (Hullavator) that will add approximately 90 pounds (rack included), so to be safe I'd say 200 pounds would be on top of the car. Anyone know if this would be a problem? Thanks in advance! George
Greetings, new poster. The roof racks themselves typically give a weight limit in the range of 200 pounds. This amount is fine for Prius assuming the rack is well designed (Thule is, among others). You fuel economy will be reduced starting at about 40 mph, and the effect increases rapidly at higher speeds. There is an older thread here about risks of 'losing" the roof load at speed. You don't want that, so fasten everything securely.
Hi. I have had good luck with my Yakima racks. I have had two kayaks on there at one time. They probably weigh 100 pounds put together. Yakima advises not to put more than 100 - 120 pounds on the racks. I think 200 is pushing it, but you could try it. As far as weight on the roof, I don't think I would push much more than 150 pounds, but that is just my opinion. Also I should add, the Prius does well holding two kayaks. It blows around a little bit on the highway but all in all it's not bad. I drive to Maine from Massachusetts with two kayaks on the roof and back and average about 40 - 42 MPG's I would reference Thule and Yakima's websites for exact numbers.
Thanks much for the advice and sharing your experiences; I think I need to do a little more research to increase my comfort level this is doable. Best, George
Hi George. Have you considered a light weight trailer? Take a look at these links, they're from a guy called EV-NUT (aka Darell) who I believe is also a member of this forum. EV page SportsRig trailer
George, what did you find out? I just saw a used hullavator for $125 but missing some parts I could buy online. Did you get it? I have 2007 prius also. Have been strapping my 2 heavy kayaks on thule bars upside down with foam cushions. I'd like to know if you or anyone ever got the hullavator to fit and work successfully. Thx
Barry3199, I carried two sea kayaks and/or a sea kayak and a canoe on top my 2007 Prius with no trouble whatsoever for several years using Yakima QTower/ [round] Crossbar. Max weight was probably around 120lbs. Would also recommend using the font and rear tie-downs, and fortunately the Prius has convenient places underneath the car to hook onto.
Hmmm interesting topic here, I've carried a lot more then 200lbs on my roof, from Los Angeles to Alaska and back actually. No issues or leaks.... Toyota prius low profile roof rack
I run a Thule Weekender roof box on my OEM bars ( Same as Thule Aero bars) It weighs 19kg with a “max weight limit” of 75kg converting to pounds - gives you 207 on the roof bars
Looks like UK is porking out too. Fish and Chips, anyone? Britons are now officially FATTER than pigs after huge increase in average weight | UK | News |
oh so funny. When you look back at the posts and realise what you are arguing about. My point Is 200lbs is the weight of an average person. Not “all Americans are fat”. Re read your comments.