I don't see anyone else complaining about this; maybe it's just me? When I click on "View All New Posts" I get the following: <blockquote>IPB WARNING [2] mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections (Line: 131 of /ips_kernel/class_db_mysql.php) There appears to be an error with the database. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here. Error Returned SQL error: Too many connections SQL error code: Date: Wednesday 15th of November 2006 10:10:02 PM We apologise for any inconvenience</blockquote> Note the incorrect date/time. But when I use "View New Posts" and select all forums, it works fine. :huh:
In other words, mysql_connect() is messed up, but yoursql_connect() works fine? Can I borrow yours then?
I've been checking "View All New Posts" almost everyday for the last 7 months, with nary a problem like that. However - - when I try to go directly to "View All New Posts" from My Favorites, I always get, "Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature..." My new question here is, how can I go directly to "View All New Posts" (from My Favorites) without having to click it?