My daughter at college has dropped her fob we suspect its in the vent under the drivers seat. It is a manual seat. I have ordered a boresnake with light and hook which will be at her Thursday connects to Iphone. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
A long reach pickup tool when she may be able to grab at Walmart in the hart tools section. I believe that vent is fed from down the sides from the console there's a piece that goes under the seat comes out on essentially the under seat passenger floorboard area so you may be able to just pull the carpet up on that side and see the duct and may be able to pull it loose to grab the remote out of it or you could take this tool and try to stick it in there open and grab the remote and pull it out
Yeah serious shop vac with the crevice tool with also be good like the above poster said maybe one of those five horsepower rigid things
After rereading this I'm changing my opinion. If your daughter dropped it in the vent then your daughter should figure it out. It's good for people to be responsible for their own mistakes. When you keep rescuing women they don't become the independent people they claim they are because we keep protecting them like children so they stay children
I couldn't agree more. And based on that, PriusChat should close because everyone should solve their own problems. If folks in this forum keep helping each other, we won't become independent people.
In keeping with this line of thought teach her but don't do it for her. Better yet, let her get on forums and find a solution to her problem
Honestly... Does she have a friend, or friend of a friend that have tools? A 14mm socket and a ratchet can easily remove the 4 bolts that secure the seat and move it far enough to fetch the lost key fob.. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Now I have to look under my seat...didn't know we even HAD a vent down there! I second the idea of just removing the 4 bolts to lift up the seat to retrieve that FOB....and maybe give some of those car seat foam gap fillers...they really work!
sometimes they are along the slide rail, black on black in the dark, very hard to see. difficult to lose it in the vent, since it's horizontal