Changed plugs and boots. Lot of info said be careful not to over tighten, so once it really started resisting, I stopped turning. Had used a harbor freight torque wrench 4 years old, but only used two or three times literally, set at 12 ft lbs and the wrench did not click on any plug. Should I tighten more. Is it risky. No anti seize or other.
If they're not tightened enough they'll leak if they have washers on the plugs then you get to touch and turn almost a half a turn and you should be sealed you can get away without the torque wrench with that type of plug but the plug that doesn't have the washer you better use your torque wrench and put some anti-seize on the V on the seat just above the threads I believe it is. You want to take them out as easily as you put them in you want those type to be torqued in because you're squeezing a V not a washer little bit different good luck
You got them good and snug. Usually when you feel resistance you go another 1/4 - 1/2 turn with the ratchet. You can feel the washer crush some. I changed out my gfs Camry spark plugs and her Camry had the new pistons installed due to oil consumption 30k miles before. The dealer only put them in hand tight, I didn’t even engage my ratchet for them to break loose. TLDR you’re fine and don’t mess with them unless you actually have a problem.
Torque value with clean/dry threads is 15 ft/lbs, see attached. Attached btw, is an example of the brain-dead editing in the 3rd gen Repair Manual. The section describing the spark plugs does NOT have the torque value: it's off somewhere else, in the section describing removal of the valve cover. The latter action does not require spark plugs to be removed. Attached does have both sections.