So I was having some misfire issue to the point that I had to clean the intake manifold egr valve cooler and all pipes changed the pcv valve changed the oil and filter plus new plugs and coil. Once I reinstalled everything my misfire was completely gone everything runs smooth but immediately I was hit with the triangle of death and CHS error. I never received this while troubleshooting during the process of fixing the misfire and I never received it before I had the problem!!?? Ive read a few things about people having their oil changed at Walmart and then receiving this code and I've also read about people changing the coolant and getting this as well but I haven't quite yet found the solution to my problem? I have also tried unplugging the white wire from the fuse box and undoing the orange plug on the back of hybrid battery as well as touching the ground and positive together to reset the computer but every time the error code comes back! Any trouble shooting or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
you'll need a prius aware scanner then. if you don't want to hassle with tech stream, try torque, hybrid assistant, etc. they aren't perfect, but help in many instances. you can even try a free scan at an auto parts store. they aren't perfect, but sometimes helpful.
I’m getting error code P0AA6 could I have gotten my a/c compressor wet on the inside when I cleaned the engine?
possibly the high voltage connector. you may need tech stream for sub codes, but here's a somewhat helpful thread: help-with-dreaded-p0aa6-code.199808