I've had quite a few of these cars, and it's not uncommon for the screen to not work, or to partially work. My guess is the screen itself goes bad, based on what the partials look like. IIRC, Toyota wants a lot of money for a new one, and there's no way to tell if a used one works until you go to the trouble of installing it. Which brings up the next issue - you gotta be pretty careful, and lucky, to remove the center dash section without it breaking. So, to fix your screen, also include the cost of a replacement dash (there's a source in a thread here, and instructions for removing it without breaking - if you're good). So, yank the dash, yank the screen, buy used screen install, hope it works or exchange it for another that you hope works, then buy a new dash and put it back together. Or, get a cassette adapter that lets you plug your phone into the speaker system to play music, quit using the radio and the rest of the screen functions.