NPR's All Things Considered is now being sponsored by the Toyota Prius and hybrid synergy drive. I have heard it twice in the last two days. I have stopped hearing the radio ads for the Prius though, which seems like a good thing considering the lack of vehicles. Jeff
I have never seen nor heard any TV or radio ads for the Prius. I "accidently" found out about it when I was looking for a new car and went to Toyota's web site to look at Camrys. This was in Nov or late Oct. There was a popup ad on their web site and curiousity got the best of me. So for you pioneers, how did you know about the Prius?
Even though I ended up not buying one. I had heard that the redesign was supposed to be for 04. There were blurbs on the new Prius in Car and Driver Magazine as well. I then looked it up on the Toyota website.
Ok, it's embarrassing to admit this, but I had not heard of the Prius at all - I mean at all!! I'm not talking about the 2004 redesign. I guess I have been living under a rock. Actually more like I am not a car buff and had been driving my 93 Subaru for the last 9 years not paying any attention to other cars. I know that I was REALLY lucky that I was able to find out about the Prius in Nov, test drive one, and then actually get one before the end of the year, and the color and package that I wanted. I had NO IDEA that I was so lucky until I started frequenting these forums. I really feel guilty when I read about people who put down deposits way before me and still don't have their car. 1200 miles and loving it BTW. Averaging around 47.9 via the computer over the last 4 tanks.