The initial wave, about 2-3 inches and temperatures 28 F (-2 C). Another much colder mass headed our way later today and tonight. The snow hides the mud underneath. Bob Wilson
Mosquitoes carry the heart worm parasite. Make sure your vet checks and then get the monthly pills. Prevention is much cheaper than treatment, $400-600. Bob Wilson
I mean, genetically modified mosquitoes are not a new thing, consider in 2017: Verily releases 20 million genetically-modified mosquitoes to help combat Zika in California It's just that the number being released between 2022 and 2024 is a record 2.4 billion... what could possibly go wrong
From sterilized screwworms, our "main ecological consequence" (I guess this means the main unplanned one) seems to have been an "increase in the wild-deer population".
It's just insanely inconsistent. Normally, winters are mild with snow for a month and then we get a deep freeze for a couple of months, but this one has been 3 days of deep freeze, 1 of blizzard, and then repeat.
The climate models predict areas of deserts and over-precipitation. The heat drives water into the atmosphere that eventually cools enough (from reduced, space radiation) to precipitate as severe rain and snow events. More extremes which the fauna, our immediate source of food, is unable to adapt to quickly enough. Bob Wilson
We were across the street from a very big bear yesterday, just outa the blue. By no means out in the boonies; just typical suburban cul-de-sac lined with houses. It didn’t pay us any mind and we kept a brisk pace going past… Had a full grown Asian Birch completely pack it in last year, and a Vine Maple’s half-dead right now.