So I'm trying to figure out the squeaking on front end driver's side, and a little times also. Sprayed some WD-40 with tire off and helped a little but can still hear some of the problems. Is this suspension related? Also one other issue I replaced the instrument clusters faulty little part (forgot name) and soldered back in,. The 220 not the original 100. It worked fine for 2 months and now it's a black dashboard again. Tried unplugging and plugging the battery back in but no juice. Any advice would be greatly appreciated because this car is in such pain that even it's owner is limping around in agony over it!
you probably need all new bushings uness they've already been done. best bet is to get a rebuilt meter from texas hybrids
Struts and bushings are pretty cheap on the aftermarket and not they're not the most expensive parts suspension techniques and other people can get you nice hard bushings where you need them if you want them and you can go back with the old squishy rubber without any trouble they all just pretty much bolt up A lot of noise can be in your strut tower upper strut bearing. So once you have a complete new strut new spring and all that on there a lot of that noise goes away on breaking and nose diving and what have you. They're pretty easy fixes too most of the stuff just unbolts and bolts on you can leave the hubs connected and just take the strut off the hub and drop it down the hole with the strut bar rod off and go back up with another one 45 minutes aside.
Good advice. I need to feel more comfortable working under a car first and need some better lifts and tools. How much would the repair cost at a mechanic? Thanks buddy
Well if you go to a shop you're going to be paying about anywhere from 65 to $125 an hour per shop labor and then you have your parts that either you or the shop has procured I'm going to say if you have middle of the road parts and we're doing just the fronts you have maybe $200 $250 in parts of various and sundry manufacturer. So there you go lift and tools to put struts on a car let me tell you it's not a real big affair you know you don't need a whole lot of lifts indoor tools but we'll just leave it at that not an issue You're going to have about 4 hours maybe 5 hours worth of charge off that the shop will be able to run on you so their labor rate times that plus now they can bill you for shop or eggs and spray cleaner so not that that's unfair but yeah okay..
You're right, I must learn to do it anyways so might as well start with this car. Thanks for the inspiration. Any risk in keep driving it for a few months if it's not bouncing around much while driving?