Anyone tried a waterless car wash product? I'm thinking primarily of Optimum No Rinse Wash & Wax. Apparently, it allows you to not have to use a hose at all. You just mix it in a bucket of water and wipe it on and then wipe it dry.
I bought it to use this winter when temps are too cold to wash outside after nothing but amazing reviews time and time again from users on this forum as well as detailing forums.
I take it you haven't tried it yet? I'm curious to see how it performs although all the reviews I see online are excellent.
Nope, I bought it to use it this winter when temps are too cold to hand wash outside. I bought it based on not just massively great online reviews but ones I had seen on here over the years. I think we'll be pleased. Hopefully others who chimed in the past on here will chime in again.
Optimum No Rinse works great on light to moderately dirty cars, but I suggest a modification to the procedure in order to minimize marring. 1) premix solution (1oz to 2gal) inside of a pump type pesticide sprayer. 2) mix a separate bucket of solution, 1oz to 2gal, in a bucket with a grit guard and clean wash mitt Do one panel at a time. First, spray down the panel with the solution from the sprayer...wait about a min, then come back with a very wet wash mitt (with the solution) and wash down the panel. Dry with a waffle weave drying towel. Then move on to the next panel.
Water less is different than rinse less. Waterless method is more spray and wipe no buckets. Rinse less is bucket based both do a good job, lots of arguments from both camps.
The key is getting softest high quality microfiber towl with polyamide minimum 20% and have thick fibers. Wipe it gently and at least we have 4 towl for one wash. 1 towl each quarter. Now, I use my own adult hair shampoo and filtered water. It works and lubricating well. Wax the car with polish like Nufinish also protect the paint much longer and much easier to remove any dirt. Any 1200 gsm towl are good. Gets 4 or 6 of them.
I would like to also suggest a separate bucket of water and towel that you should rinse out frequently; especially working on the lower body panels - behind the wheel wells. There tends to be a lot of road sand there. If you don't frequently shake-out and rinse it - you can end up putting fine scratches all over your car.
WOW, old thread. I been using optimum for years after reading about it here in another, old thread. LOL I do use water so it's not a truly no-rinse method that I employ but it is way less than my previous methods. Also, surface should be cool, not in sun, etc., as one MUST dry it or heavy spotting will occur (especially with our water). Other than that caveat, I really like what it does in both shine, protection and durability. So much so, I bought the gallon concentrate upon my next purchase. It will last me years. Bonus: if done correctly, micro-towels should still be clean enough to use for the interior wipe down. YMMV
I prefer washing with water, 2 buckets, 1 only for rinsing and catch all the dirt and sands. However, it is ilegal to wash the car in our own parking lot or garden in Germany. Yes, it is freaking too much. I think it is just the way government give job for carwash €10 per wash. That's why waterless carwash really help me. It is safe if done properly but not as good as with water. Basically, once it is washed and wax well, waterless is very easy and only need gentle pressure. I have no swirl or scratches after using thick 1200gsm microfiber. I got more swirl marks from automatic carwash and wax. I still pay €1 for 2 minutes pressure wash the underbody everytime snow came and roadsalts are everywhere. It really helps reduce corrosion. We only have 3-5x snowy days per year. Fluidfilm or undercoating fat is not needed.