Date Ordered: Nov 1 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): West Herr Buffalo NY Timeframe given for delivery: "it might get here before the end of the year" Color: Tideland Pearl Option Package: BC (would go with a lesser pkg w/ VSC but not available in this area) Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: Last I checked, number 4 (I'm not sure I believe them) but don't know if this number includes all orders or orders for this specific package.
Okay, I've noticed that I have moved up to number 2 on the "have had no updates" list. Does this mean that everyone who originally posted before me has their cars now :lol: Sharon
update: I called dealer to ask my place on the list last Tuesday. When I failed to hear from my salesperson by Thursday, I left a polite message on his voicemail. By Saturday, I decided that the face to face approach was the best way to get a timely answer! I was told that I am now number 6 (having moved up from number 10 just recently due to people dropping off the list). Remember, I was once told I was number 4 by a different worker at the dealership, way back in early December. I didn't believe him at the time. I am not sure I believe my salesman - I get an oily feeling from him, but what he says sounds reasonable. The dealership is getting, according to my salesman, only 1 Prius a month at this time. He says that any Prius that comes in is offered to the 'list' in order, regardless of package/color preference. Another local dealer says I would be 12th on their list if I add my name now. They claim they are getting 2 Prius a month. However, they claim that when a color/package combination arrives, they offer it first to those who ordered it, and then to the general Prius list. If I am to believe dealer #2, it is likely that I would see my car sooner by getting on their list. I might even get a token $100 or so discount, since I bought my last car from their group. Confused.
Its almost a month old! Well, I guess I've been too busy driving it to announce its arrival, but my Prius is here. Ordered Nov 1 2003 Declined 2 vehicles, wrong package and color Arrived July 22 2004 Picked up Tideland Pearl BC9 pkg July 24 2004 Over 2500 miles already Rebate check arrived Aug 18 or 19 2004 Sharon Who feels somewhat stupid that she is the only one replying to her own messages :?
Congrats! I was wondering, did you stay with dealer #1 or go to dealer #2? I put my money down with one dealer last week and they're telling me 18 months at this time. Dan
long wait Hi! If you are in any kind of hurry, you should check multiple dealers. Decide how much you are willing to pay (above MSRP) and how far you are willing to travel (money and time). Several people on various lists have gotten cars in less than a month that way. However, since they are increasing production for the 2005's I would bet your wait time will be cut in half (iow, 9 months rather than 18). I ended up staying with the first dealer. They were a bit confused about the allocation system when I ordered ("sure, we can probably get the exact car you ordered by Dec"), but I basically didn't believe them based on what I had read on my various Prius lists. In hindsight, I would have gotten the car faster with dealer #2 (who rec'd more cars per allocation), but once the new year came (and with it, the end to the NYS tax credits) there was no real hurry to spend 26K when I already had a nice working vehicle. I love my Prius, but still love my Minivan and I feel bad that it is so neglected!!! Good luck, Sharon
I'm in no big rush. I certainly don't want to pay over MSRP. I think that's just the current hype thing right now added by the likes of Leonaro DeCaprio and Carmen Diaz. :roll: And like all hype, this too will pass. On the 18 months... It appears that they did factor in Toyota upping production 50% in May. (This is the info they got from Toyota). They now get 3 per month and I'm number 62. I did the math myself and I get 17 months, so they are fairly close. I'm guessing it should be shorter as the hype dies and people drop off the list. Another bummer to my wait is the packages they were told they would be getting in 2005. They say they will only be getting package #2, #5, and #8. (There are the 2004 numbers.) I could live with #2, but after hearing how the JBL system doesn't sound all the better I certainly don't consider the other packages anything near worth the extra expense. I was settling on package #7 (AM), which I see was still going to be available in CA. If those three packages are all that is only available around I might be forced to look in other areas. The #7 package is a nice blend of added tech features and safety/performance features. BTW, have you been staring at your minivan wondering when you'll be replacing it with a hybrid version?
When I was deciding on packages, my big concern was safety. I live in the NE and get my share of driving on slippery roads with little visibility in winter. Have to admit I like gadgets . I would have settled for a package 7, alas, it was not offered in my area. But I am sure glad I was 'forced' (yeah, they twisted my arm :wink: ) to get the package 9. And you are correct - the JBL system is nothing to write home about. Apparently, if you add a subwoofer, it makes all the difference, but its not too high on my list of priorities. I am still concerned about facing my first winter with the car (last year, I was worried about facing my first wnter in 'the snowbelt'), but I am sure all will be fine. As far as the minivan...I am actually hoping it will last far longer than it takes to get to the release of the hybrid Sienna. I won't have enough money to buy another hybrid for some time unless I win the lottery :mrgreen: . As long as you are in no hurry, enjoy the wait. Its actually much more exciting than having the car. It can only help, too. The fervor will likely cease, and you may even be able to work out a deal for less than MSRP. Before I ordered mine (Nov 1), another guy in a nearby town got a #9 with free floor mats for just 25K. I called that dealer to try to get that same price and was basically laughed at. Note, he offered me a silver at MSRP later that same week, before all He!! broke loose. If I had known then... Sharon
I think you'll be please with the car's performance in bad weather. I put a question out about the VSC in another thread and a member from ND (daniel) told me it (and the ABS system) worked quite well on ice. I know I'd rather drive in snow any day than ice. They get some ice here in NC in the winters. In IL where I'm from it was mostly always just snow. Yea, I like gadgets too. But I see that 5k for the that package and think one could by a fairly nice home theater system for that. Maybe I might be fortunate and the car will arrive one the back side of the hype and I might be able to deal a little on the package. Thanks for your input. Time to start buying those lottery tickets for the minivan. :mrgreen: