I am running into dead ends everywhere I turn. I'm hoping someone on this forum can help me. I watched a video by Gregg Festo to help me test the modules of our 04 Prius after receiving the red triangle of death. I purchased the same charger that was in the video, only it's a red model. It says "BGUAD" instead of "EV-PEAK" and the buttons are labeled differently. I made sure the settings were exactly what was in the video. I ran my discharge & charge cycle (3x) and when the cycle was completed, I pressed the left button as Gregg did in the video, except I didn't get the same result. When he pressed "Batt. Type" he was able to see the low & high mAh. When I pressed the button located in the same location but labeled "Mode Esc", it took me back to the menu. I ran the scan again thinking I needed to hold it down, but it did the same thing. The other buttons do not take me to the desired menu. I also downloaded the software to be able to hook my laptop up, thinking that would be the way I could see the data. The manual says you can use a USB cord to connect them, but I cannot find a USB port on the charger. (I love the manual & website tells you all the things you can do with this charger, but doesn't tell you how to do it!) Can anyone help me with either issue? 1. Being able to see the mAh after the discharge/charge cycle. 2. Connecting a laptop to the charger
Maybe post a link up to the video I don't know the Greg dude I don't know the charger you're talking about are you charging one module at a time I'm guessing so with this hobby charger sounding affair so you've obviously got your battery all apart or you've got the cover off and the battery sitting in the back and you're doing one module at a time or what's happening here guys make this really hard I would think if you had bad modules why wouldn't you just spend the $35 or whatever it is on getting replacement tested whatever modules or even new ones that I don't know what $70 a piece. I paid $1,400 for a whole battery seems to be worth it for 20 years worth of battery.
@TMR-JWAP has experience with the CQ3 Search Priuschat CQ3 Search Results for Query: CQ3 | PriusChat Here is a link to discussion for usb adapter for software. Looks to use temp sensor port to usb Does anyone have experience with Ev-Peak CQ3 charger? - Page 4 - RC Groups Temp sensor to USB adapter is available at Amainhobbies for $12.99 Hitec USB Adapter Cable (X4, X4+, X1) [HRC44168] - AMain Hobbies
alftoy, Thanks for your suggestions. I looked through TMR-JWAP's posts. I had already noticed that he was experienced and knew what he was talking about. I found a post where he shared his settings. I changed my charger to his settings, tried again and it worked! I didn't need to find the adapter to hook up my laptop. I'm running the cycles as we speak.
I'm having the EXACT same issue you were having with the red BGAUD charger. Can you share the specific setting that needs to be changed to allow me to see the charge/discharge data after a cycle? I changed my settings to match those listed in one of TMR-JWAP's posts but its still taking me back to the menu after a cycle.
NiMH settings: Charge Man: Current - 3.0 A Charge Auto: Cur Limit - 3.0 A Discharge: 1.0A, 6.3V Cycle: D to C, C+3.0 A D=1.0A, 3 (If it I need to run another charge to double check a number, I change the last number to '1') User Settings: Precharge time: Off 2min Wait time: Chg>Dschrg, 5min 'Sensitivity: D. Peak Default NiCd sensitivity D. Peak deafult Temp cut-off: On 80C Capactiy cut-off: On, 7500 mAh Input power low: Ciut-off 10.0'v rest of settings don't matter
Hi Jbird610, thanks for sharing, I had the same issue as you previous had with Festo's settings. One question, did you leave Safety timer on and at 720 mins, or did you revert back? I haven't tried a 2nd time yet since i just found this post and made the changes you made.
Also having trouble with MODE / ESC button changing menu and not showing 3 low/high mAh values. TMR JWAP's settings listed above are the same as Greggs on the video. Except 6.3V Discharge. I bought a used BGAUD on eBay because there weren't any in stock anywhere else. No info in manual on how to reset factory settings. I found under user settings if you keep scrolling you get to reset factory settings. I just reset factory settings and reset all Gregg's settings again and trying it now. On one cycle I got to CAPA (capacity) and when I hit MODE/ESC button it did show values but never during END?