I have scanned and found via my Autel MD808 that two of my blocks #6 and #11 are failing due to the low voltage. I have the pics of my scanner pages but could not upload them for you guys. Sorry. Can someone help me identify the exact cells that I am supposed to change out? I am a little confused about the numeric position of these cells. I know that a block consists of 2 cells (aka blades). Any help would be great. Thanks a bunch,
Each block consists of 2 modules (blades). Start the count from opposite side of the ECU, first pair is block 1, 2nd pair block 2 and so forth. On your block 6 and block 11 failure, maybe only 1 of the 2 modules have failed on the block. It does not mean both modules have failed on block 6 and 11, it could only be 1 on each block You may have more weak/failed modules in your pack that your code reader has not picked up.
Hey JC, Thanks for the response. When you say the opposite side of the ECU, I wondered if you meant the blade closest to the ECU. I have finally been able to attach my "freeze frame data" pictures from the scanner. As you can see, block #6 is only 12.74 and block #7 is only 12.71. I am concerned with blocks #7, #8 and #9 as well. I suppose I should take a look and replace those as well. How would I be able to test which blade failed on a block? Since my scanner won't be able to do that. Again, thanks for the info...
edit. Sorry I gave you information for a gen 2 earlier. You're inquiring about a gen 3 car. The first set of "blades" closest to the ECU, that's block 1. next set of 2 is block 2......when you get to block 11, you'll find 1 (or both) of your blades to have a failed cell inside. The rest of the blocks look out of balance as well. So you will need to do more than just swap out failed modules in block 6 and block 11, the others won't be far behind if you don't get equipment to balance the entire pack.
Can you point me to a procedure and equipment to balance the pack? And would you say any module that is less than 14.4 volt should be replaced or balanced? Thanks
Hybridautomotive.com has a good write up and has equipment as well. Many have bought it from this forum and have it for sale (used) when they sell their cars. Each module (blade) should not be less than 7.2v. 14.4v would be a block voltage (2 together). Even if you find one at that voltage, it probably will be bad/weak. Good modules should hover around 7.4v to 7.5v or more after resting for 24 hours.