I recently put this together. Basicially every 8 cents/kWh equals $1/gallon (and vice versa). Pls check my math.
looks reasonable to me. we've been at 24 cents for quite awhile, and i've always figured around 3 bucks.
i'm sure you'll get a lot of convoluted replies saying it depends on your miles/kw and mpg, but in the end, just like the epa, you have to settle for some standard.
Your math is solid; but I would round down or use $0.076 instead - everyone has a calculator on their phones. This would skew the $$ in our favor; to compensate for winter driving and use of AC to cool traction battery charging in the summer - If you select that option. Think of it as cushion/margin of safety. I'd rather spend a few extra pennies on electricity, than waste extra dollars in gasoline.
Yep, using EPA numbers, they are correct. But many get better than 25 miles EV miles and more than 54mpg in best seasons. On the other hand, during colder months, I get less than 20 EV miles and 40 mpg. And as the car gets older, battery degradation will affect the EV range and traction battery capacity. I usually compare 6.5kWh (full charge) x $/kWh (rate of electricity) x2 and gas price $/gal. This is because in most conditions, the full EV range x2 is equal to the miles per gallon number. For example, for EPA number 25 EV range x 2 = ~50 mpg
I pay 8 cents CDN/kWh and over 5 dollars CDN a gallon (currently fluctuating between 7.50 and 8.50 dollars a gallon), so my answer is never (I’ll never see anything over 15 cents as long as I live here).
I would use this calculator. It allows you to input many variables. Monthly, yearly, 10 year costs. And has easy comparison for you to see how your vehicle does against the competition. There is also an option to see how much city driving you do during your commute. Save Money (fueleconomy.gov)
Quick answer is NEVER ,to be attractive to use gas, , the price must be lower, Here is some comparaison: when I charge at home, gas price has to be below $1.16 USD/Gallon , when I charge on a public charger, gas price has to be below $3.79USD/Gallon ...actual price of gas is $5.56USD/Gallon . Prices are converted from Litre to Us gallon and $CDN to $USD, electricity here is approx $0.07USD / KW