Hi Guys, The title basically says it all, except for one thing. I am a bass player, and hearing bass lines is super important to me in the music I listen to. I don't need it to be very loud (a subwoofer would be way overkill here), but I want to at least be able to hear it/feel it though. I drive a 2013 Prius Two and the factory speakers are complete garbage in this regard. I believe the frequency range for bass guitar is 40-400hz. Can somebody recommend me something that will be good with the stock head unit under $100? I don't really want to spend the money to buy a new head unit or an amp to be honest . If you want some different types of music examples that I want to be moderately loud here you go (try to focus on the bass parts if you choose to listen to any of these): Metallica - Orion Abba - Money, Money, Money Snoop Dogg - Tha Shiznit Graham Central Station - Hair Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc Nas - NY State of Mind Pt 1 Tribe Called Quest - Electric Relaxation This Prius does not come with the JBL speakers btw like other trims do. Not looking for something that shakes walls here guys so plz reframe from subwoofer recommendations.
Infinity Reference X REF-9603ix 6"x9" 3-way car speakers Brand: Harman Kardon sold out on amazon right now, but they were like a 100 bucks & they're doing a pretty decent job /
You might want to check out Crutchfield and see what can come under you cost of $100. They will also give you and adapters, wiring etc. for the price of the speakers. You might find just what your looking for. https://www.crutchfield.com/S-zqNOZe4BffM/
Figured I'd follow up with this post to help someone out. I went with PowerBass OE692-TY speakers because they were low RMS as I didn't want to deal with adding an amp/head unit. These are significantly better than stock with the stock head unit (non JBL). They won't shake your mirrors vigorously, or set off car alarms, but that was not my intent. I just wanted an improvement on sound to be able to at least hear the bass guitar. Low bass is OK (can pick up most of the lows in Late Nite Tip by 36 Mafia), mid bass is dramatically improved, and the highs are are very clear. If I had to guess how much louder they are, i'd say 30-40% louder than stock. They don't clip at max volume with stock head unit and there were no clearance issues with the window. I used Resisto Waterproof Tape (for roofing) from home depot as sound dampening (works GREAT) and 3/4 inch (could probably do 1/2 inch) self tapping screws to attach the speakers without rivets. If I upgraded my head unit I can only imagine how much better they will be, but even without it I am super happy with these.
Thanks for this. I see the frequency response is from 65Hz to 20KHz. The 65Hz captures the mid bass nicely but I would think that you would want a bit more in the sub bass range below 65Hz. Say closer to 25Hz to 30Hz, where it delivers that clean "punch" without shaking the windows of the car next to you.. I've also been looking for a nice pair of speakers and not trying to add a sub-woofer. I listen to a lot of Stanley Clark (School Days - good example) and want to hear good, clean bass; not some muddy mess. I may look into these. Only had my Prius since March and trying to upgrade the sound without dropping a ton of money into it.
It does lack in really low bass, but it actually surprised me on how much of the low bass it picked up in late nite tip, which I think gets to 40hz on the lowest parts. It literally is plug and play. so you'd remove the old one completely (with the original brackets and all that), and put this one in, no dealing with brackets and adapters and shit like that. It's like if you bought it from Toyota, with a better speaker. I do recommend doing what I did with the home depot tape for sound proofing. that quieted things a bit in my car and was not really a challenge at all. Just a little time consuming but nothing more than like 20 min of extra work per door, just for cutting the tape and placing it