I have a prolong charger/discharger. I had block 1 moving from .7-2.00v of difference after a few cycles. The rest of the pack is good. I swapped the two first modules and did another charge cycle and I’m still getting weird peaks in block 1 and just threw codes. Is there something else causing this such as the pack wiring harness?
Have you inspected the orange plug on the voltage sensing harness and the ecu socket where it inserts? Those are often the victims of significant corrosion.
Part of the problem is you're doubling down on how well you're matching your replacement modules to your original modules. This means if your replacement modules are significantly stronger or significantly weaker you're doubling that problem up in the same block. You know you have a problem with Block 1, but there's 2 modules in a block! Yet you didn't diagnose which of the two modules is bad and which is good? Put the still good module back in block 1 and try again.
Here are the codes i'm getting from it. I think it really could be the HV ECU as the plug had a little corrosion so and when i disconnected it from the original HV ECU the pins snapped off prompting me to purchase a used one on eBay. Hoping the harness at least fixes one of the issues. Images blow are from techstream. let me know if anything speaks to you hahaha.