Am I imagining things or is there really an issue where something happens when people obtain a Prius that effects their ability to read and reason effectively? Seems that there’s a tendency for owners to convince themselves of all sorts of problems with the various systems in the Prius (especially Gen4) that don’t actually exist but stem from failure to read and comprehend the manual and other (accurate) sources that explain how it works. Maybe it’s actually designed into the Prius to take over the world .
i think new owners don't have a good grasp of how hybrids work, and veterans just have trouble with how complicated new prius have become. as a senior, i'm not interested in all the new high tech stuff, i can barely manage my 10 year old tech
I agree...people who've never owned a hybrid have a LOT to learn which should start with reading the 700+ page owners manual but I am glad many find this website and ask questions and learn. I've talked to people who think there's little to no maintenance on hybrids and EVs and tell them no vehicle on the planet is maintenance free and if maintenance is neglected the vehicle will die an early death. (Like the people who do mostly city driving and think they can just do an oil change every 10,000 but discover, at around 90,000 miles in, that their engine is now burning oil or, worst, it needs a new head gasket!)
There is no question that the car and it's features/functions are complex. However, before spending $20,000 to $35,000 on a car you should do some features/function research to determine your needs, wants and desires! I recommended to Toyota Corp. that they provide 2 copies of the Manuals. 1 copy for the car and 1 copy for the house. I've had my 2018 Prius 4 since January 2018 and am still learning! The more you use the features the more you find to research. Did I mention it takes a lot of time and energy?
Yeah, you can tell that somebody didn't understand the car when you are browsing cars for sale and there's a brand new Prius still under warranty being sold for used. It takes some getting used to.
I found it a very easy transition. Not sure why any normal person would have an issue with the car with the way average people drive.
i knew one lady who traded her brand new hycam in for a gas model because the engine shut off at the first intersection she came to when leaving the dealer. that cost her a few sheckels
I believe the brain malfunction was a pre-exsiting condition. The Prius simply highlights the condition...... Separates the people who do their homework and those who do not.........
The bigger malfunction is that of drivers of big trucks - who think they can bully a PRIUS because they are jealous of the lack of fuel use.
That's a bull statement. If you're getting bullied by a big truck, you're either sitting next to them, sitting in the passing lane doing some not-passing speed, or otherwise messing with them. At least five fleet owners I know - four of them truckers themselves - own modern fuel-economical vehicles; one has a Tesla Model S, one has an all-electric Mercedes AMG, one just ordered three electric Hummers, one the small VW electric SUV, and the last one who I worked with wasn't even sure what route he came to meet me because his Model X did the driving for him for the 60 mile trip. Now pickup trucks might bully you, but you're faster than many of them. At least my Prius is. But you wrote big trucks, and 70% of the drivers in those have been focused on fuel mileage for at least the last decade.
OK, different terminology - call them PickupTruck if that's what you call them in USA, a Toyota Hilux which you don't get - that's what rammed me a couple of weeks ago - he was sitting 2 foot from my back bumper, had been for 4 short blocks, 2 roundabouts and an intersection, finally blasted me with his high-power auxillary lights, so I pulled over to let him pass (single lane each way). As he went past, he side-swiped me, pushed me over the kerb - and then drove off. Fortunately I got his licence plate, and the person following him is vouching for his actions. I suspect he was drunk or drug-charged. It's in the hands of police and insurance now.
Whoops! I did not see you weren't from the USA. My bad with assuming you were. Yes, Chevy, GMC, and Ford pickup trucks can be a nuisance around here.
One thing I’ve learned in 7 decades of life is to not fall into the trap of thinking what I have experienced is what the other person in the conversation has experienced. When I remember that it saves me from having to wash the egg off my face.