I have a 2012 Prius V that stalls on me and gives a code P0335. So mine is a little interesting, and would love help. So I got that rattle noise when started, ended up being the head gasket. Replaced that with timing chain, water pump, egr, plugs and wires. That fixed the rattling on start and occasionally at idle. After doing all that at 180k miles, I started to get the P0335 code only in the summer time. I have a 55 mile commute and it never gives me the code in the morning when it’s cool, but during the after noon ( just started giving it to me for the summer). It gives me that code and puts up all the codes and it goes in limp mode. Limp mode allows you to drive the battery down but the engine won’t come on to drive. I have found this occurs mostly when going up hill or driving around 40 minutes in the heat. Then I stall and go into limp mode, and I pull off on the side of the high way. I take my obII scanner and clear the P0335 code and it allows me to drive the car again and sometimes it’s good to get me the rest of the way home or sometime I have to do that 2-3 times. Again it has been doing this for 2 years now and only in the summer time. I am at 250k miles on my 2012 Prius V. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated as this is my daily would like to not stall on my way home.