Greetings, I've been doing the "put oil in it and follow the maintenance schedule" for our 2014 V three and things have been all fine and dandy. I've always liked tinkering and doing my own work, but, on this car, I've enjoyed not having to do anything but oil, filters, etc. However, as it's approaching 150k and is 8 years old now, we have our first real "issue". The EV light never comes on anymore. I think that's the one you call it - next to the power band where you can modulate your acceleration to keep it below the line and in EV mode. At a standstill, if you press the EV button, it just beeps at you. The batter charge indictor seems to change as per normal. How do I tell if something is forked with the electrical system or if, perhaps, the EV dash light is out? My second question is what to do at 150k. I see coolant drain and fill...anything else I should be looking at / expecting? We've started saving for a battery. In reality, if we could afford a Chrysler Paciica hybrid, that would be the best car for us and our uses, but they're expensive and, well, who knows what sorts of issues one would inherit. Anyway...thanks for entertaining the question from the infrequent user. matt
get the maintenance schedule at, sounds like you missed the big one at 120k. generally, you get a trouble light and codes if there is a problem. your battery could be close to going bad, without yet crossing the line that sets off the codes. how are the mpgs? is it hot out? could just be battery protection and an older, weaker battery that is mostly fine. research egr circuit and head gasket, that should be a major focus.
mpg's are ok. 37.2 average on computer. I don't have the calculated in front of me, but I did just take a long trip and got 38. I could only get the 120k from Looks like I missed spark plugs and some other inspections. I couldn't download the 150k schedule. It said "not enough data" and referred me to the dealer. We live in the northern sacramento valley, so it gets hot. My wife just told me, however, that she hasn't seen the light "in a while". So, I think it was doing it even before it got hot. I'm reading some more and I do think it's burning a little oil, noted at oil changes (I do the changes). I have been doing 0w-20. Sounds like I should change that up. I will research the EGR cleaning. Sounds like something someone with average skills can do?
Thank you. Very informative links in that sig. I just went down the rabbit hole of "screw it..let's get an EV vehicle." Guess they're not ready for family of 4 and gear prime time yet. thanks again..
yeah, ev's are a lot of research and a big decision. i have been on the fence for years. now is not the time to by a car by choice, only necessity
agreed... So, is there a way to diagnose what is up with the no EV light? Or just assume the battery is on its way out?