So I go camping in my Prius time to time and I hate I can not open the back trunk from the inside. So I installed a quick release button. I saw a write up and a youtube video for 3rd Gen but nothing for the 2nd Gen work horse. Here is my how to write up. So I bought a cheap ebay horn switch or momentary on switch. Connect one end of the switch to red wire found under trunk trim. Check photo for location. Then the ground end from switch to the white wire on lead wire in trunk release lead. Make sure you attach connectors between the switch and original wire leads in trunk. This will allow you to pull the trunk trim if you need to do other work. Also the trim panel won't be permanently attached to trunk hatch. The yellow horn switch uses a 3/8 drill bit. I drilled a hole by the trunk handle shown in photos. Connect all the wires and close up trim panels. Now you have a quick release inside if you sleep in the Prius when camping. No more exiting from the side doors. Smash if you like it!!!! SM-A526U ?
is it not so that your groceries / sports gear wont accidentally bump the switch and pop your hatch on the highway?
Easily fixed with placement of release. Also, does the external release button work when the car is in other than Park?
I like this idea as I just returned with a new hatch button cover piece... the only one left in the yard of two broken and one not present. Tomorrow I'm thinking I'll get another the hatch came from or the other with the most pieces and a button still present. Both will need new covers. Anyways; I was thinking one of those "Safety Toggle Switch Cover's" I guess you call, maybe modified for a push button switch that doesn't fit if you don't use a push button switch that will fit the cover. Smashed! I think when I'm at the yard tomorrow, I'm going to snip that connector along with some extra wire from one of the hatches so I can splice a prototype plug and play design now that I've read through this post.
should be ready before the month is over
Well, got an extra hatch handle part and amazingly a third where the only piece left was the connector and that square button, where I found one design has the door handle like button and the other does not. Guessing, one is for the smart key and the other is not, is that correct? Speaking of... I'll be studying to see how I can DIY upgrade the broken one I got that doesn't have the extra outside little square button. Thinking stainless steel strip along the back ironed into the plastic so flush mount. Then pot (epoxy fill) around those bolts locations at the least and maybe all along the stainless steel strip. I'm also wondering about using sheet metal with a bend on the end or both ends to stiffen.
it's ready and available now.
For the less technically inclined, you can also use a mini bungee cord I've found (on my gen 2). I had tons of battery issues and have had to crawl in through the back to open to hatch from inside a few too many times. Just use some pliers to make a circle out of one of the bungee cord's hoods so it can't come off as easy and hook that end onto the little release mechanism and run in up through the hole in the plastic storage bin and to the right side of the latch catch. I put the other end directly on the black rubber seal that allows me to grasp it from the outside too, if needed. I'd recommend some thick tape or many layers of tape to allow the bungee cord to slide easy on the upper side of the hole in the plastic bin. This is 10 times cooler though. I'll have to get around to doing this. Thanks for the write up and photos.
Man, glad the above was posted, since I forgot to update my progress and applications. Here's my improvised design I was using until I repaired and upgraded that white broken one. Worlds First Never Before Seen 2004 to 2009 Toyota Gen 2 Prius Broken Hatch Improvised Solution - YouTube Ghetto as-found: 2006 Prius Oh Duh Moment! Didn't Catch The Method When The Previous Owner Showed Me How To Open DIY - YouTube Before white one in above post pictured cleaned and moving forward: 2006 Prius Weller Self Serve Hatch Handle Finds For Switch & Re-Enforcement Upgrade Experiment 2of4 - YouTube After and installed (there are some other longer videos regarding if you're curious): 2006 Prius Weller Self Serve Hatch Handle Finds Installed And Operational - YouTube Progressing slowly to a more reformed aesthetic. Functionality to Toyota spec is priority for now. I haven't decided which switch I was going to use as I'd prefer to have a cover over or a stiffer switch than what I have now and was thinking about using. Just to be safe so my tall self and big feet don't press open at night.