<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(GreenBeanMachine @ Oct 14 2006, 12:49 AM) [snapback]332321[/snapback]</div> we've had ours for about a week now...still yet to pull up alongside another one at the lights!
Have had mine for about 5 months now. SO far going good! 5000+ km (don't drive that much). Get about 5.5l/100km (as per the HUD). Not the worlds most efficient driver and the aircon sure sucks fuel. So far the car has run pretty well but the air con unfortunately has a musty smell. I guess it's the high humidity and the short trips I do. I ran into 3 prius's in one day. All in the Raffles Place area.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(AceFace @ Nov 16 2006, 03:56 AM) [snapback]350056[/snapback]</div> Well, Vincent is able to get 3.8 or 3.9 in the old Prius so I'm sure the new one is capable of that.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius @ Nov 17 2006, 11:33 AM) [snapback]350646[/snapback]</div> Hey, not everyone has the "ideal conditions" for hypermiling! 5.5l/100km is still better than any other car in Singapore.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(vincent1449p @ Nov 16 2006, 07:45 PM) [snapback]350656[/snapback]</div> haha true. But most places are good for P&G.
Well, with so many cars in our tiny island, it is near impossible to P&G. You either get high beam or horn from behind. Anyway, P&G is not the only way to get good FE, there are other ways too.
Been driving for 2 mths. Best FC achived = 4.7l/100km. Me so far also haven't seen any other Prius drivers and mods for our model r so diificult to find. Anyone happen to know where to get the front foglights???
Just curious, why do you need foglights in Singapore? Our roads are brightly lit and no fog. Even during the haze condition, headlights and taillights are sufficient. I'm sure you know that it is an offence to use foglights in clear weather. You can't use them unless Traffic Police broadcast over the air then you can turn on your foglights. Do you travel to Malaysia frequently?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(vincent1449p @ Nov 26 2006, 10:47 AM) [snapback]354087[/snapback]</div> Hehe actually wan them for asethetic reason. Front foglight is kindof a standard assessory. Thou it's an offense to switch on foglight but no one seem to bother (many switch on anyway) and dealers r more than happy to include them in so-call freebies. I used them only in heavy downpour. Yes i do travel to Malaysia once in a very blue moon. B) On tis topic, it's really puzzling why rear foglights r standard then (even less useful) when it's an option in most oversea markets
I would think rear foglights are more useful in S'pore because of the heavy downpours. The rear foglight makes you more visible. I've seen taxis driving around on the CTE with their hazard lights on cause it's so hard to see the other cars so it makes other people see them easier.
Just booked my Prius at Borneo Motors...I am a new Prius owner and look forward to network with all you Singapore owners soon. I got the Bronze Mica Metallic 4S2 ....White is just too white, difficult to maintain, Black is just too hot in our weather system here, Red is no stock (don't know why)...... These are the 2nd generation models that suppose to come with the front fog lights. (WRONG!! No front fog lights....rear only!!) (Audio)
After much research & deliberation have finally decided to go put down a deposit for this amazing car. Only problem is, the missus is insisting on leather seats... anyone know where i can get it done? Alileather is selling the leather seat covers in the states on ebay, and i'd have to ship it in and then get professional help in installing it.. could be tricky with the side and curtain airbags.. Would doing this void the warranty? Great forum we got here, what would us newbies do without you guys.
I am one of those very ignorant on automobiles. So forgive me if you find post and queries silly. I am in Singapore and I have just placed an order for a Prius from a parallel importer instead of the main agent(Borneo Motors). This is because there is a substantial savings of about SGD$10,000. As the Prius is a delivery-on-indent basis vehicle,there wasn't a showroom vehicle for test drive or viewing. As a result, because of my ignorance, I only came to realise later after committing a deposit that the liquid crystal MFD(Multi Function Display) panel will be in Japanese. In fact everything will be in Japanese. This is apparently the standard parallel importers practise for all the Japanese makes not just the Prius. Was told by the parallel importers that it wouldn't be an issue bcoz the MFD is pretty user friendly. Even with no knowledge of Japanese, it would be easy to navigate and make selections with. Can any Singaporean parallel imported Prius driver verify this is true? However, if possible I would much prefer it in English. Is there is available in the market a modification that can render it to English. Would appreciate it if any kind soul can tell me where to procure such a modification and how to install it. Hopefully, I can get this done in Singapore by a mechanic at a reasonable price. Thanks!
Welcome to PriusChat! I'm not aware of such modification available. I think your only option is to change the whole MFD to an Enghish ver. There used to have an advertiser claiming to offer this trade-in of the Japanese MFD to an English MFD (re-cond) for SGD1,200. pHing Classified: Toyota Prius Touch Screen Display However, this ad. has expired on 15 Nov 2007 so I'm not sure whether it is still valid. I'm not a PI Prius driver but I do agree with the PI that it is a matter of getting used to it. Why not give the Japanese MFD a try first before you decide that the change is really necessary. In the meantime, I think it would be a good idea to read up on the English user-guide written by John. http://john1701a.com/prius/documents/Prius_User-Guide.pdf
Thanks for the links! Will take up on your suggestion to try out the Japanese MFD first. Must not forget my original decision to buy from a PI was to save co$t. Would be nice though if not prohibitively expensive to modify it to English and perhaps even link it to a GPS, IPOD.....etc Cheers!
Hi leebsq, Mind sharing which PI u got your new ride from? I am waiting for LTA's update plan in the coming weeks and see how it any improvment on current tax for hybrid vehicles. yes, I am very interested in getting a Prius (maybe 2009 gen-3). CNG, eventhought getting more popular, just doesn't tickle my techie nerves. Kinda like staying with pre-historic ICE technology when u have Buck-Roger era toys to play-with... I had done some reading up on Prius and my conclusion is the HSD electic-gasoline hybrid fit our condition well considering the city driving and warm tropics since the batts seems to fare better than colder climate (correct me here). Really hate waiting in the traffic or jams when those pistons pumping away my S$2/l gas! Just ranting here...
The State of the Hybrid Car and the Green Singapore Motorist | Singapore Angle A link to debate on why and how to popularize hybrid/alternative fueled vehicles in Singapore. Example, tieing road tax to carbon-emission level.