Copied the idea from bwilson: Source: Chocolate for a Leaner, Longer Life | Wake Up World Conclusion: Moderate consumption of chocolate may preserve longevity and reduce cardiovascular disease. I'll eat to that.
Think this may be a tricky one. Pure chocolate probably is as good for you as some other natural items. A chocolate bar or drink with added sugars, sodium, fat and fillers = not so much.
I don’t get white chocolate. we get these bars at local Walmart, highly recommend: Was $4.97 CDN, see they’ve jumped to $5.47.
So, what is considered to be Moderate consumption? Is it chocolate, or is it cocoa that is good for you? If coffee and chocolate are both good for health, then we should all have Chocolate-covered coffee beans.
We've been getting the 100% Montezuma "Absolute Black" bars from Trader Joe's, but they have been recently discontinued. Can order them direct from England for $4 each including shipping. I can't eat processed sugar and my wife prefers not to eat even dark chocolate bars. For us it is 100% or nothing. Bitter as all heck, but one can get used to that in time. Adding some nut butter makes them more palatable. White chocolate isn't chocolate.
It may be good for some people who can afford it... But there is this aspect of the product. Don’t Buy Evil Chocolate
Makes perfect sense to me... Right up there with spending your way to prosperity and copper bracelets providing inflammation relief...
Yeah, I know. That's why I suggested it. I have tried several different concoctions of chocolate and roasted beans used. But in the end, eating the whole roasted bean was not as palatable as brewed coffee, so I moved away from them.
Just chocolate coated espresso beans are great on a cross country drive. Just eat one or two over 30 minutes or you’ll be wired. Bob Wilson
Unfortunately, caffeine has no stimulant effect on me. I can drink a cup of coffee right before going to bed and still can fall asleep with no problem. BTW, dark roasted beans do not contain any more caffeine than their lighter roasted counterparts. Also, espresso dring contains less caffein than brewed coffee per serving.
My first experience with chocolate expresso beans was when I was to drive straight through from Tucson to Chicago with no stops. A friend bought me two tubs of them from TJ's. It was also my first experience with TJ's since we had none of them in the Chicago area at the time. I ate both tubs. Not only was I totally wired and couldn't sleep even the next day when I got back, I didn't have a toothbrush out where I could use it on the drive. They worked their magic, but yikes! Don't ever eat through two tubs of those things.
Assuming this is what you got. You consumed 28 oz (=794g) of Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans. From an estimate I found, a serving (40g) of this stuff contains 84-182mg of caffeine. The amount of caffeine is higher than pure coffee beans due to the caffeine contents in the dark chocolate. This means you consumed approximately 1.6g to 3.4g of caffeine! While the amount is still short of the lethal dose of caffeine which is ~10g in a short period, you may have consumed about one-third of that amount or the equivalent of ~36 cups of coffee (assuming an average of 95mg of caffeine/cup of coffee). Of note, I use to drink ~1 liter of brewed coffee a day or 8 servings of 4 fluid ounces/serving coffee. Now, I have cut down the amount down to 4 to 5 servings of coffee per day. I drink double shots of espresso (~60ml) and additional 2-3 cups (236-354ml) of brewed coffee each day.