Is the oil filler cap supposed to have a o-ring or rubber gasket? Mine seems to be plastic on metal and is very hard to get off. Thanks in advance!
Nice picture; blown head gasket or just some moisture in your valve cover?? Looks a bit like milkshake..... Chuckie; don't forget to place a thin film of oil on that o-ring - It'll come off a lot easier next time. Use the same trick on your spin-on oil filters and cartridge filter caps. Makes oil changes a whole lot simpler.
Just a little segue: The spin-on filters I've bought (Toyota) have a clear plastic seal over the gasket end, and when pealed off there's an application of some sort of clear grease already applied to the gasket. Box still says to apply motor oil before installing, but that seems redundant to me. (And yeah, this is on a 2010, but I did the conversion to spin-on.)