Saturday Night I hit a deer on the highway and when it damaged the front hood three wires in the MAF sensor pig tail connector was pulled out because the hood stand arm came loose and dropped on the wires and the connector. I need the 2010 Prius 1.8L color code pattern to install a new pig tail for the mass Air Flow Sensor. It has 5 wires from the wiring harness to the connector. The White and Black wires are still connected just don't know were the other three wires go? If you look at the image of the pig tail plug three wires are disconnected and two are connected. The replacement plug I have all the wires are the same color. Does any one have the color wiring diagram that shows what wire goes were via color of the wires? Or a picture of a 2010 Prius 1.8L MAP sensor showing the wires with the same color wires going into the connector would help also. I have search the internet even tried google lens to find an image matching the wire colors and diagram search with no luck. Thank you in advance.
Posting this because on another forum I got a reply via image of 2010 Prius 1.8 MAF sensor plug wires. Posting just incase same thing happens to someone else. Matter closed!
Yeah, questions like this, all that is required is for someone to go pop the hood, take a pic and post it. One of the simplest/best features of this site.