Hello, I have a 2017 PRIME ADVANCED model and I was successfully using ENTUNE for iHEART radio until 1 month ago. My car is in Europe and I don't have an active subscription for connected services. However, as iHEART radio is using my bluetooth connection to my mobile and my mobile data plan, everything was ok until 1 month ago when my username for ENTUNE was no longer recognized. I've tried to recover my password or create a new account but that is no longer possible on ENTUNE. Any ideas on what is wrong and what can I do to start using iHEART radio app on my car ? Again, I'm not using any connected services and I'm not looking for those... I just want my IHEART app to work on my car...
lots of threads here on toyota ruining whatever little entune was good for. i'm not sure if there is an answer, but it might be worth searching.
I've just realize that I'm losing my time with ENTUNE app .... As an workaround I will use IHEART app on my phone and stream music as a Bluetooth audio stream ...
I'm just curious .... What they did with all 201X PP Advanced in US that were sold with "Entune app" if they shutdown Entune ?
Entune App has been switched to Toyota App permanently. The Toyota App also works on older 201X PP Advanced in the US. Sorta. By moving to Toyota App, it has lost some of the functionalities, so it is more of a downgrade. I never used Entune App in my older 2017 PP Premium which did not come with telematics so there were no Prime Apps. And I don't use Toyota App on my current 2021 PP Ltd. So I don't see any differences.