Just bought a 2007 Prius that had been sitting for a year. Dead 12V and dead HV battery. I got the HV battery out and measured all the modules. Half of them measure about ~7.32V. The other half are in the 5V or 6V range...seems like they are bad. So, my question is, should i try charging them up and balancing them to verify they are bad since they were sitting for a year? If half of them are really bad, guessing my best course of action is full battery replacment. Would love to hear your thoughts or guidance. Thanks!!!
Don't fool around unless you enjoy this sort of thing . Most original batteries make 15 plus years at about 1490 a pop figure you're daily! Is it worth to play games get towed etc . Really . Welp they're ya go . Now buying a set of re-racked cells that have been tested and maintained down to three Delta and blah blah blah that may be a good deal at 599 I have seen people get five and six years out of those that's even lower than mine so good on them
I haven’t seen prices anywhere near 1490 or 599. It’s a no brainer at 599. Any recommendations on where to look? I’ll keep googling in the meantime. I do enjoy this sort of thing but getting towed sucks.
What is your budget? If you want the car to be reliable, then the first step is to install a new HV battery. Depending on where you live that could be around $1500 to 2000+ for Toyota battery modules to $1600 for newpriusbatteries.com (both of which you would have install). Anything that's not new ("rebuilt" or "refurbished") uses old modules that might get a few years at best, or possibly a few days at worst. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Since the car had been sitting for a year, the 12V and HV battery were both shot. I did jump it off and saw the gas engine start and run for a few seconds. I was trying to cheap out on the HV battery until I can figure out if the rest of the car is in decent, running, reliable shape. Hate to drop another couple grand into it to find out the inverter/ac are shot. I ended up buying a 4 port charger to try to recondition the modules and then replace the modules that are shot. That will be here Tuesday to start that process. If 14 modules are really shot I'll be out $350 and the $300 charger. In the end I'm not opposed to dropping $1600 in a new battery but this car also already had 200k on the clock so want to reduce my risk with a little more labor to make sure all the other systems are running well. Maybe i get a year or two out of the used module battery approach - think thats worth $350 in used modules.
As long as you have the time and can live with the results- well the DIY approach is what I did (it took lots of reading & about 5 weeks to do) but seems to be still working almost 30k later. I just have no expectations that it will last anything like a new OE battery. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yah, not my primary vehicle so I’ve got plenty of time. Glad to hear it can be done. Any recommendations on purchasing modules? I’ve seen a few seemingly reputable sellers on eBay. Going rate of about $25 but no data on voltage, capacity or discharge. Seen a few other genera upwards of $37 per module that provide more data. still hoping someone will weigh in if some of these lower voltage battery modules can be brought back to life. thanks again for the help and insights.